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Favourite Kubrick Film

Favourite Kubrick Film


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Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
I`ve always been a big fan, and recently i won this on EBay for £30 :D


A 13 disc boxset also containing a full documentary on his life and work.

So basically for the last week i`ve been re-watching his best work and i thought i`d do a poll.
After due consideration i plumped for Full.Metal.Jacket. With the closest pursuers being Eyes Wide Shut (very underrated) and Dr Strangelove.
It's always very difficult as we are comparing such different films. He was a great director, that's for sure. I've gone for "Paths Of Glory" but it was only a short-head over "Dr Strangelove".

There were only two lengths between the entire field.
Indeed Brian. Although i was never a fan of The Shining, Nicholson was a great in it but i preferred the novel.
I've got the US release of that boxset, that packaging looks much nicer though! Is it the Japanese release? I'm guessing that comes with the uncut Eyes Wide Shut (the US release was cut, I've got a seperate uncut release from Hong Kong) and the long version of The Shining (the European release is considerably shorter, I've got it seperately as well for completeness sake). Its also pretty cool that that one seems to have The Killing, Killer's Kiss and Paths Of Glory - all missing from the US one for licensing reasons (MGM - since bought by Sony - hate Warners, basically, but Fox distribute MGMs stuff in Japan). £30 was daylight robbery :lol:

So yeah, anyway, as tough as it is I'd probably plump for 2001. It's just absolutely awe-inspiring. Barry Lyndon is one of the most beautifully shot films I've ever seen too, every frame looks like an oil painting.
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Jan 20 2006, 03:25 PM
I've got the US release of that boxset, that packaging looks much nicer though! Is it the Japanese release? I'm guessing that comes with the uncut Eyes Wide Shut (the US release was cut, I've got a seperate uncut release from Hong Kong) and the long version of The Shining (the European release is considerably shorter, I've got it seperately as well for completeness sake). Its also pretty cool that that one seems to have The Killing, Killer's Kiss and Paths Of Glory -
Yes it`s the Japanese release. I haven`t gotten around to Eyes Wide Shut but i assume it`s the uncut version, i`m gonna save watching that again for sunday evening....may need cheering up after the football.

The main reason i got it was the inclusion of Paths, Killer`s Kiss and The Killing...the former being the only one i`ve already seen.

I had trouble with Dr Strangelove, the menu screen was all in Japanese. It took me half an hour to get the sound on :ph34r:
Originally posted by Garney@Jan 20 2006, 03:46 PM
Dr.Strangelove for me as well.

"20 - 30 million casualties..tops"
:lol: For me, it ties with The Big Lebowski as the most quoteable films ever.
"If you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you? You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company!"

(But I still think that the two Godfathers - I refuse to recognise the third - are the most quotable)
I'm amazed - having flung my vote at it - that Space Odyssey didn't pull in ALL the votes. The sweep of the film, the mystery of it, and the wonderful music made it a terrific experience. FMJ was SO hammy, I should've brought a baguette and mustard to the show.
Originally posted by krizon@Jan 20 2006, 05:28 PM
FMJ was SO hammy, I should've brought a baguette and mustard to the show.
Whhhhaaaaattt. Admittedly the first half is what gets all the attention, but that`s far from all there is to it. It`s a great war film - thoughtful, provacative and realistic to boot i`d warrant. Let`s face it, Kubrick killed off two of the main characters forty odd minutes into it....that took balls and was worth an oscar alone.
'Tis only an old lady's opinion (she wheedles)... it might've been a bold move, but it also humanely exempted us from seeing that sweaty lummox (forgotten his name) who blew his brains out continue his am-dram gurning and Eye-Boggling: Manic Grade III for the rest of the film. :lol:
What did you do between 6.49 and 6.52, Mr Hartigan - find an old box of vids at the back of the 'entertainment' cupboard?
Originally posted by krizon@Jan 20 2006, 06:03 PM
What did you do between 6.49 and 6.52, Mr Hartigan - find an old box of vids at the back of the 'entertainment' cupboard?
(1) You need to reset your PC's clock

(2) No, I was going to PM the two chaps but posted instead

(3) Young H did a thesis on the sainted Stanley at university and has the lot!
Surely I can't be the only person who has seen "Paths Of Glory" and rates it highly?

Nope, as good an anti-war movie as there's been *and* it pissed off the French enough to make them ban it!
Out of all of those the only ones I've seen are Eyes Wide Shut and A Clockwork Orange and of those two I preferred A Clockwork Orange. I like men in eyeliner.
I haven't read the book as I generally don't like to watch the film then read the book, or vice versa.

The film is very well done though, obviously I'm not sure how well done in relation to the book....