Feedback If You Could Please

The videos are actually posted on Tiktok and copied into Twitter Martin. You should be able to watch on there. I don't think you need an active account to watch the videos on twitter though, and should be able to watch from the links I think? Did you try and it wanted you to log into an account?

As for the latter idea, all I can say is I'll stick to just putting up the cash prize up each year :lol: Hopefully Kirsty and Faye are up for running it again this year?

We plan to start mid November I think - and I can do the ante post one too (start of November) if folk are interested.
Talking about feedback. I've posted the first two in what will be a series of short antepost individual race previews of this seasons Festival races. It would be good to hear what you think? If anyone is interested I can post them up as they're recorded?

It would be good to hear what everyone thinks about both style and content, and any opposing views to my own.

Enjoyed those, Paul. Absolutely fine as they are (possibly a bit more clarity about the horses’ names in case people don’t catch the unfamiliar ones) if your target audience is the likes of us or your syndicate members. If you have wider aspirations, then maybe a bit more sophistication in the sense of background content etc.
Thanks barjon. I've deliberately tried to keep these short, as opposed to the podcasts I'm involved in that can be an hour or more. They start up again next month, so I'd expect to cover more detail and rationale in those.
Thanks barjon. I've deliberately tried to keep these short, as opposed to the podcasts I'm involved in that can be an hour or more. They start up again next month, so I'd expect to cover more detail and rationale in those.

Sorry, Paul, I thought the content was absolutely fine as it was and I didn’t explain what I meant by background content very well. I’m not sure if you would be able to use clips from races, for example, but that’s the sort of thing I was getting at.

PS: just watched the latest and enjoyed it, but if they see it, adopt your tactics and beat CH I’ll hunt you down and murder you :lol::lol:
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I can't watch them, Paul. TikTok just locks up my laptop. There's probably an answer but it'll take some digging to find it, and might mean adding stuff to my laptop that I don't like the look of.

Any way you can embed them into the Twitter feed rather than having to actually go to TikTok to watch, or have them somewhere else accessible?

Or maybe someone else knows what I might be doing wrong?
No idea. I'm a technical toddler! No idea what I'm doing chaumi :lol:

I might try and put them on Youtube as well and see what happens. I somehow seem to have gained a following on Tiktok though. God knows how. It's perhaps one of those weird cult things! :lol:
No harm in having them in multiple places.

This might work for Twitter...

Follow these steps if you prefer that your viewers stay within Twitter when watching your TikTok video reposts. In this procedure, you will need to save your chosen TikTok video.
1. Go to the TikTok app on your mobile device.
2. Choose a TikTok video to directly share to Twitter.
3. Click the Share button on the lower-right part of the TikTok video’s screen.
4. Tap and choose the ‘save video’ option on the screen that follows.
5. TikTok will give you the option to share TikTok videos on multiple social media platforms. Choose Twitter.
6. Add a comment and your location if you want, and then tap ‘Tweet.’
I've also had a number of direct messages asking me about my approach to bookbuilding since posting these videos.

I'm not sure if it's an approach anyone is interested in, but I did a video to explain my method last October which I can post if it's of use?
Three in the can and posted today

The Triumph Hurdle

The Albert Bartlett

The Mares Chase

I'm doing a 3 parter tomorrow for the Gold Cup to wrap things up.
Part 1 will be a potted history
Part 2 will be stats and trends
Part 3 will be my view on the race.

I hope you guys are enjoying these? It would be great to get some feedback on your thoughts. I plan to refresh after Christmas and then pre-Festival, so let me know how they can be improved?

Whilst these are almost complete, I plan to cover other things, so I'll be previewing the 2 day Chepstow opener on Wednesday and Thursday. I can post them here too if there's any interest? Also let me know if there are any other subjects you'd be interested in me covering?


Following the item in the RP about Burdett Road, I thought it might be an idea to have it onside at 33/1 for the Triumph.

It's interesting that they're already saying they're aiming it at the race and "going down the Allmankind route" with him but haven't sent him to Skelton. Allmankind went off at 7/2 for the Triumph and Burdett Road is rated something like 12lbs higher on the flat. It also stays 14f on the flat so the stamina requirements of the Triumph won't be an issue.

If "the Allmankind route" gets him to the Triumph at under 10/1, that'll do me.
Burdett Road is definitely interesting Maurice. I like to see the ex-flat horses jump a hurdle first though. It's a bit easier to assess the French converts that already have some experience.

Kargese should get a formline stamp at Ludlow tomorrow when the already 129 rated Kundaline from Noel George lines up. With the mares allowance I already have Kargese 19lbs better, so she's already close in ability to where you'd want a winner to be.
So the previews are finally complete with the three part Gold Cup previews below.
In the first one I explain why the Cheltenham Bars have the names they have, and why I'm called Spectre. It makes sense when you watch it!!
Part 2 is the tools to narrow the field down to find the winner and the value
And finally Part 3 is a rundown of the main contenders, culminating in my selection plus a 66/1 outsider to get onside too.

I've really enjoyed doing these, and I really appreciate that you've taken the time out to watch them. Thankyou.

As always, I'd really appreciate it if those of you that use twitter could retweet and like them, it's the only way I can build the numbers watching.

Also if interested I'm previewing the Two Day Chepstow Persian War Meeting this Friday and Saturday, and I'll be posing the Friday video shortly. I can pop those on here too if anyone wants them.
Thanks Jon.

I wanted to do something a bit different with the Gold Cup. So many people don't know racings traditions and history, and it's something that's always fascinated me. If covering that side of the big races and racecourse is of interest I'll do some more of them.
Thx for doing them, Paul. Great effort all round. I learned stuff from the Gold Cup history so definitely a thumbs up for similar coverage of others if you have time.