Fergal Lynch

Emma Ramsden went out with Lynch years ago - they might even have been engaged. There must have been a fallout when it ended since it is well known that they don't get on. Emma has been known to let things slip sometimes on camera, like the time she came out with a catty remark on Ch4 after Lynch had fallen off one, I think it was - she came out with some sarcastic quip like "hopefully he's not hurt too badly" or something similar, I can't quite remember what it was now. Someone else will remember though I'm sure!!

Edit - actually, I thihnk she said something like "shame he didn't break his neck". The memory is failing me nowadays!!!!
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Ahem, I think you'' find they usually harbour such 'feelings' when they've found out what cheating lying little scumbags a lot of young men are :p

Sadly, seeing the light doesn't always preclude the odd lingering fancy, the memory of physical delights being strong. It often seems that men are good lovers in inverse proportion to their 'goodness' as men - which is how they get away with being s*ts of course :rolleyes:
What is the opinion of the trainers that have put up Lynch since the latest Panorama report?

I noticed he had a ride for Kevin Ryan at Beverley on Saturday.

Are these trainers just giving 'the finger' to the racing public?
They're probably looking for the best jock available and letting him know he's being watched......as if he didn't know....
I am suggesting that a criminal case collapsed due to lack of evidence and he stands, under law, as innocent as, say, the McCann parents.
Hmmm, are you suggesting he's involved in one big misunderstanding, Horse.

I believe there was a huge misunderstanding and thats the BHA and CPS tried to get the wrong man, when the dirty little sht was in their palms all along.

I love the way he says he has nothing to hide and would come back if wanted to. If you've not done anything wrong why run away in the first place.
I knew you where going to say that...but seriously...if you where having a punt on one of your own, and he was the best available would you get him to ride, or book the second best ?
I knew you where going to say that...but seriously...if you where having a punt on one of your own, and he was the best available would you get him to ride, or book the second best ?

Myself, I wouldn't run the horse, if he was only what was available on the grounds of no suitable jockey.
He'll be riding mainly for his brother - probably there will be a few US trainers interested, some of them don't seem to fussy how they get their wins. But he'll never hit the big-time now whatever his talents might have been

An C, he may have had his case dismissed - nto the same thing as being acquitted nb - in a very poorly put together court case, but evidence which has come out since has been pretty damning. And it *is* evidence, not just hearsay - pity it wasn't made available to the lawyers in time.

I agree that going after the big name is what let the others off the hook. And everything which has come out about the investigation in the McCann case since the embargo was lifted has demonstrated that the Portuguese had not a shred of evidence for their smears, so that's hardly comparable
It'll be interesting to see how he is received in the States, by and large the Yanks don't tend to like getting as involved with people who have had those types of allegations linked to them, do they?