Fergal Lynch

The fundamental difference between the attitude towards cheating in US racing and British (European?) racing, is that they do it in order to win.
Does anyone think Lynch stopped any of the horses featured in Panorama btw? I very much doubt it, for what it's worth, but there's more than one way of skinning a cat.
Does anyone think Lynch stopped any of the horses featured in Panorama btw? I very much doubt it, for what it's worth, but there's more than one way of skinning a cat.

It goes without saying most would've been beaten anyway but, even if you assume they were all horses he expected to be beaten beforehand, it's hard to believe that all those horses that were slowly away or found trouble in running did so purely by chance.
Yes. It is an even stronger statement of innocence. Thanks for pointing that out.

Having a case dismissed is usually a matter of how the evidence is presented - it's not necessarily a 'statement of innocence' at all - as a 'not guilty' verdict would be.

In this case, the guilt or innocence of the respective men was never put to a jury because the police and the CPS made a total cock-up of presenting the evidence - and esp in respect of putting them ALL on trial together which was madness, given there was pretty damning evidence against some and none at all against at least one other!
The case being dismissed is an example of there being little or no evidence which is worthy of being brought before a court of law.
That's not the opinion of some prominent lawyers in my family LOL

Most 'case dismissed trials' founder on technicalities, others on the CPS fecking it up; and yes there are also some which founder on a lack of evidence and should never have been brought at all