Forum Drama Queen 2011



With forum members refusing to post anymore, enter debate with certain people on dubious grounds and the dummy being spit out over a fun competition I have started wondering who is the biggest forum drama queen. I think I'm a runner myself but my "moments" to time spent on here ratio is fairy economical.
There are not enough roads built during the summer months. I have never seen the racing section of the forum this quiet over a period of time like this
I think Bar The Bull is to blame for a lot of it. He is reeling in the big fish on a weekly basis. I've been caught on a couple of occasions asking him had I pissed on his lawn recently. Between him and the christian right faction on the forum we are all doomed until the Open meeting in November.
We could run a comp for it, Gearoid, now you've raised the matter.

Feeling personally insulted: 5 pts

Feeling post has been insulted: 5 pts

Threatening to leave the forum: 7 pts

Actually leaving the forum: 10 pts

Coming back to say you've left the forum, but want to say one more thing, and then will leave 'forever': -5 pts

Threatening to hack the forum/attack member if seen/set up rival site, etc., etc.: minus 10 pts

The annual trophy will be a gold-effect brick, to be hurled at the head of the winner at the first possible opportunity.
Chances are the winner will be a regular on the Atacanta forum by the time the prize is rightly theres...

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There are so many Queens on here at the moment we might need an Oscars night with twenty categories to sort this lot out.

This would make a fine prize. The winner would have it as their picture profile.
Note how careful I am being about insulting people and fanning the flames.

Incidentally, my wife says that my cruel sense of humour was one of the things that put her off back in the day.

One of my friends takes great pride in having what he likes to call, "A Sewer for a mind"...he spends his time insulting people, some stuff he gets away with in unbelievable! Women love him.
Is it a weekly,monthly or annual award ?

Now that's a very good question. Over the years people have identified themselves as out and out drama Queems and eventually the inevitable happens and they seek refuge in Atacanta and the likes. Lately though generally sane and reasonable people have completely gone off their tits. So I think a monthly award is in order with the prize for July going to Hamm. We will run the yearly competition from July to June. As this takes in the football season Hamm is a strong favourite for top honours again but there is strong opposition out there. If anyone leaves the forum they automatically go a top the leaderboard.
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So I think a monthly award is in order with the prize for July going to Hamm.

This is so totally unfair. The month is not over yet. Not even today is over yet.
Oooh, get her!

I think there are a good couple on here likely to mount a strong challenge. Just as well, as they haven't mounted anything else in years.
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