Forum meet up


At the Start
Jan 24, 2008
A few people have mentioned they would be interested in possibly doing this on a raceday so thought it worth starting a topic to see if there is any interest?
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Maybe a little after that .. :p

Ireland or England?

If England Sandown Gold Cup day with a mixed card is always a lot of fun, great racing and good atmosphere..
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In theory yes, but whoever is organizing needs to live up to the highest standards set by Grey, Cantoris et al.

I'll want picking up from the airport and driving back to my hotel like before. Fine dining, drinking and company. Can we get VIP access to high-end night clubs again?
Re your first line, that won't be happening. Re you second, you'll get none of those things, and maybe less. Are you interested then? :)
One meet I wouldn't mind trying but haven't looked at yet from a transport point of view (as it is at Easter) is the Irish National
If England Sandown Gold Cup day with a mixed card is always a lot of fun, great racing and good atmosphere..

Sandown on Whitbread Day is always rammed full of pissheads with the soundtrack of Anthony IneverstoptalkingeventodrawabreathandImustmakesureeverythingsaboutmememeandmymugisonthebigscreenconstantlywhilstI'mdroningonandon Kemp non-stop on top of that. Accompanied by lots of excited squealing by the aforementioned whilst he shouts over Thin Lizzy and Van Halen being played ridiculously loudly to advertise which are the cheese nibbling flat jockeys and which are the jump jockeys coming into the paddock. It's a vomit fest, in more ways than one.
its been 3 years since I've been and there was none of that then. You can always avoid pissheads by paying for premier.
One meet I wouldn't mind trying but haven't looked at yet from a transport point of view (as it is at Easter) is the Irish National

I've been to Fairyhouse once. As I recall, the only transport requirement is the one that takes you about 20 years back in time.
Sandown would get my vote, quality track and good for meeting up.

Compared to Ascot, it's like Alcoholics Anonymous.
I thoroughly enjoyed the meet-up with Final Furlongers, when we took in a night at Oxford Dogs followed by a day of the Paddy Power. If it's UK, happy with Flat or NH. I would be able to get a deal for us at Brighton or Lingfield (yes, we do have grass there and we use it 22 times in the summer!) - you can walk from Lingfield Station directly to the track in about four minutes. Probably 20 on the way back, careening off the railings and the trees - although there is the onsite Marriott now, with what I'm told are excellent facilities. I could probably get us a decent deal there, too - I was told it'd be £55 a night for guests of staff. It's also minutes from Gatwick if anyone's coming by private LearJet.
How about Racing post day at kempton?

Agree a little about that sandown date, but they are racing on the next day too, with the big mile race. sunday switched from friday. Thats an option maybe
I have arranged with friends to go to Windsor on the 11th April (evening racing) to celebrate my burfde.

Or is the flat a big no no?!
Isn't there a Festival at Cheltenham in the not too distant future?... if your not there you probably shouldn't be here...
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My Festival attendance is a matter of negotiation with she who is obeyed.

Last year a sum total of none in terms of winners convinced her that I no longer have the capacity to bet profitably. It will require either a hideously expensive gift on her birthday ( not on as it detracts from the Festival pot) or devilishly clever present of something she really wants. Since George Clooney probably falls into the too expensive category my chances are minimal.
Cheltenham like the Hajj, Grassy? Every now and then, there's a stampede and hundreds get crushed; buildings collapse, the occasional madman shoots people; dehydration, collapse and heart attack are regular features, and not a few die from exhaustion (with an express exit to Heaven, of course). Could I just keep bunging a few quid at Big Ishooo sellers as a spiritual compulsion instead, please?
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