Forum Screen Jumping


Jul 19, 2006
North Herts
anyone else getting this problem?
I get a few lines into reading a post and, the bloody thing jumps down, so I have to scroll back up again to find the line that I was reading.
Yes, think you are right, I'll try switching Adblock off temporarily.
No it's still doing it and it is the Ads causing the problem, getting on my nerves now.
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Not happening on either my desk pc or laptop, it's not your mouse slipping is it ?
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I noticed it doing it last week, and the racinguk ad wasn't displaying so I disabled it which should have fixed it.
If it keeps happening, can you quickly scroll up and see what ad it is please (it should have text there saying which ad is missing) and let me know :)
This happens on my laptop at home, but not on the PC at work. I'm using Chrome on both of them with Adblock, but it still happens if I disable Adblock.
I dont get it on any browser, computer or phone lol. I have switched off the skybingo ad as mentioned above but all the other ads are the same size so bit confused as to why its happening :(
Never happened to me either, and I pretty much use every browser and phone on the market :)

It's probably due to google toolbar or bing bar or something like that, I never install any add ons.
I never install add-ons either, I have still got XP on the laptop would that make a difference?
Does not happen on any other site that has banner Ads either.
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I get it at work because it takes an age for the ad to load due to crap speeds. I find that waiting till it loads before scrolling down solves the issue for me.
I never install add-ons either, I have still got XP on the laptop would that make a difference?
Does not happen on any other site that has banner Ads either.

I have xp on my work laptop and have tried with firefox and chrome on there and it doesn't do it.

I'm using a dongle on the laptop and it's certainly not the fastest available, that could be the explanation.

Possibly, but it could also be avatar photos or other images on the threads loading slowly thats causing it. I'll keep trying different things to see if i can recreate it.
As an experiment, install a Chrome extension ad-blocker and then see if the page starts jumping.
As an experiment, install a Chrome extension ad-blocker and then see if the page starts jumping.
Because this jumping issue only began for me when I installed an ad-block ("Adblock Plus" for Chrome).
The jumping got so on my nerves that in desperation I uninstalled the ad-blocker and the page-jumping stopped right away. Joy ! :thumbsup:
I have just disabled Adblock Plus for this site and it is still jumping, will try uninstalling it altogether.
That's done it!
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