G20 Death

Just what was in the can that the woman was holding though, is it a drink or is it CS gas?

If the officer thought it was CS gas (and its about the right size for a propelled canister, rather than a hand held aerosol) would the officer not have moved to disarm the protester? the release of CS gas at such close quarters would have presented a threat to the police formation for certain. The fact that he seemingly does nothing to check, yet alone disarm her of it, implies to me that he thinks it isn't?

The officers been suspended anyway
Just watched the video of this new attack and its pretty vicious although she shouldn't of been an annoying little green peace peasent and stayed out of the officers area, he warned the arrogant little mare before she came back for more and came back for even more but she got what she deserved especially trying to rile up an officer under high pressure situation. I can not see the officer in question getting warned of the police force for this unlike the other that resulted to the blokes death which is a far more serious case to answer for.
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It transpires that the latest police thug is also a member of the TSG. Now there's a surprise, who'd have thought that? And I'm equally surprised to discover that he's yet another who's removed his serial number from his uniform - not (they've been doing this over 20 years, and the media have only just realised). Mind you, since the BBC were broadcasting on behalf of the Conservative party in 1984-85 they probably didn't feel it necessary to point this practice out. The removal of the number itself would constitute a disciplinary offence, (though admittedly not gross). It does beg the question as to why he (and so many of his paramilitary colleagues) do this? Could it be that they premeditate an attack? alright they can't necessarily know who their victim is going to be, but to my mind at least its a signal of their state of mind going into a situation.

If a policeman whose tooled up with all his weaponary is sufficiently provoked and threatend by what appears to be a diminuative little girl of no more than 5ft then you have to question his judgement and ability to panic under a bit of pressure. So what if someone shouts at him, there's plenty of public servants who get routinely abused daily on housing benefit desks, classrooms, A&E departments or DSS payment counters, but aren't allowed to carry weapons and don't react by attacking the abuser. 'Winding me up' is not a criminal offence (back to 'police constable Savage' again I'm afraid - "looking at me in a funny way").

In truth his over-reaction and actions were more likely to spark a bigger incident than they would defuse. If i were one of his colleagues I'm not sure I'd be too impressed with him, given that they were momentarily out numbered.

I'm also slightly tickled by the police reminding people that its against the law now to film officers during their duties (another bit of fascist legislation introduced by new labour). And yet the IPCC are appealing to members of the public to hand over their video evidence. The government keep telling us that we have nothing to worry about with things like the encroachment of ever intrusive surveilance and ID cards etc provided that we're all law abiding citzens etc Does the same burden of worry not extend to the police then? What is that the governments so worried about concerning police conduct that they've felt it necessary to bring in a separate law by way of dispensation?

I note that a review of tactics has been called for by the Met. What this probably means is that in future the police will dispatch snatch squads to get photographers I suspect
Oh dear......

Second post mortem says internal adnominal bleeding and not a heart attack afterall:blink: Seems to tie in with the idea that he had been attacked previously, and the one captured on film was the second less intensive attack
Have you not seen the ITN footage that shows a plod strike the guy before the push to the ground that the BBC keep showing, none of witch came to light untill the phone pics, and the newspaper storey- they have also said that whem they said there was no CCTV that was a mistake, it was.