Galileo Out!


At the Start
Apr 30, 2006
Just a quick message to announce that Galileo is stepping down from his position as moderator due to work commitments. Irish Stamp has kindly agreed to step into the breech for a bit, with myself and Betsmate staying on.

Aidan deserves a hell of a lot of credit for the amount of work and time he has put into the forum over the years. His work on the forum road system in particular has been immense, having started roads from Cheltenham to Epsom to America. County councils the world over should sit up and take notice.

Things have been running smoothly enough lately anyway, and reading through threads on this forum remains a pleasure rather than a burden. Long may it continue.
Galileo is gone? I'm off to drink fourteen pints and reply to every thread...

Glad to see a consistent level headed moderator has been replaced like for like with the neo nazi women repressor Martin.

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Thanks for you everything you've done, Gal. Enjoy your new work as a pole-dancer at the Aerach Bar in Dublin. I hear the tips are huge!
Aidan has been a major contibutor to this site both in terms of informative, interesting posts and also as a sensible Moderator. I sincerely hope that stepping down down from moderaring does not mean stepping away as that would be a big loss.
Thanks Galileo!
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Thanks Aidan for your (almost :lol:) invisible style of moderating, hope you find time to keep posting, good luck for the future whatever.
Thanks for your time as a moderator (as others have said near enough invisi-mod) and I hope you continue to post on here - one of the most knowledgable posters on the web IMO.

I hope I can moderate in a fair and honest way as Gal has done over the years.

Unfortunately i suspect u will be bloody hopeless stamp. There will be fights breaking out everywhere and u will be as much use as a raspberry doing bouncing at the lyceum on a friday night

Thanks gal for the good work