
Very Very Ordinary

At the Start
Nov 24, 2010
Must be an incredible amount of very stupid people in Bradford.

Some people have made a killing on this, stories of very large bets at tasty prices.

Anyone on?
Why are they stupid? Just a good old-fashioned protest vote against the main parties and against the appalling war in Afghanistan. Well done to them, I say.
Yes well done. Come to the uk for our "values" and "freedom" and vote for a west hating dictatorship loving candidate
10 years we have waited for the thick left to come with an alternative to action against a state which acted as an aq base with the clear intention of developing more attacks
"Bradfords role in life is to make other places look good and it does this very well"

Bill Bryson

George Galloway is a bell end.
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As with another divisive far left bigot in london, the way to assess scum like galloway is by looking at his "friends". Fortunately in london its rebounded on racist ken quite badly with an incredible 30 per cent of labour voters saying they will not vote for him
No fan of him at all but is he really anymore of a bell end than most other Politicians? He's just more upfront about it.
Not quite true VVO. Although there is an element of that (and also with the "tories riddled with gay" comment), his jew baiting has been evident for some time.

London is about as diverse and tolerant city as you can find, so the politics of division and hatred which he stands for are particularly disgusting

Even Galloway would probably not stoop so low as to continual to defend this man

A tory mp's feet wouldnt hit the ground if they had such links with nazi supporters. WTF is Milliband doing?
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True. We have certainly seen some pretty unpleasant characters on the right fo that party but there is the difference isnt there? Cameron would be decisive and not tolerate it. What is Ed doing backing a candidate that 30% of London laboutr voters despise and wont vote for, largely because of his links to animals such as that iman?
True. We have certainly seen some pretty unpleasant characters on the right fo that party but there is the difference isnt there? Cameron would be decisive and not tolerate it. What is Ed doing backing a candidate that 30% of London laboutr voters despise and wont vote for, largely because of his links to animals such as that iman?

Especially given Ed is a trifle Jewish himself.
Welcome back but wtf does that mean?

Although i would be very surprised if you were a fan
He is quality value for his consistent tweaking of the nose of the Establishment.

I don't really care that he's a pompous, narcissistic arse with an unhealthy ego; whose motivations are as questionable as some of his policy positions. But he is also a vagabond, outlaw, renegade, happy to take-on all-comers; and who out-boxes and out-foxes the enemy at every turn - no matter what they try to stick on him.

Such individuals are rare, and generally to be celebrated, in my view. I'll probably get lynched for saying it, but I admire his indefatigability.

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No. But he strongly supported those who did, whether it be arab dictators or eastern
european stalinists.

without any doubt he is a strong admirer of authoritarian regimes that would not and did not tolerate any "maverick" "take on all comers" etc etc behaviour from anyone

The point is that the above names were "mavericks" too. And like Galloway they promoted (to put it mildly) politics of identity and division.

The end result of such views is ....
you are asking did I support the Soviet Union, yes I did. Yes, I did support the Soviet Union, and I think the disappearance of the Soviet Union is the biggest catastrophe of my life

Yeah. a real libertarian isnt he?

I've been here before with you, Clivex, and I always win. ;)

Thatcher and Pinochet were tighter than two coats of paint. Thatcher actively supported Pinochet's murderous regime. Galloway is a mere gobshite in comparison. This is the fatal flaw in you argument.

Galloway is a caricature. You take him far, far, far too seriously.
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I dont take him the least bit seriously. And you have completely missed the point. You may as well say that Nick Griffin is some loveable rogue simply because not too many people vote for him or bother with him. Hes a "maverick" isnt he? shoudl be admired for that should he?
Nick Griffin would have been eaten alive in a Senate hearing, whereas Galloway had them on toast throughout his barn-storming performance in the Capitol. It was a tour-de-force.

Nick Griffin long ago wilted in the glare of a mild media-led caning and remains a fringe-nutter irrelevance, whereas Galloway wins every round on points, any time any time the media fancy taking him on, and is still winning seemingly impossible by-elections.

The difference between the pair isn't even subtle.

Out of interest, can you point me in the direction of any quotes where he claims to admire Hitler or Pol Pot? *

* quotes attributed to Galloway by Melanie Phillips don't count. ;) :lol:
You point out where i said he admired them? try reading posts for a change. You didnt quite mention Stalin and Hussein though did you?

The similarities between the pair are obvious. Both divide and rule on the basis of race/religion.

And if anyone could be bothered to "wipe the floor" with this creep, they could quite quickly repeat his pathetic creepy fawning over Assad and his regime.
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