Gauvains's leap

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
C4 showed a still of Gauvain jumping a fence, I believe the first. It showed that the horse had all four feet high above the fence and then adjusted to come down. A stunning jump akin to that of a stag and seemingly much higher than I can recall seeing before.

The best jump I have seen was one by Mighty Mac who took off before the wings and landed way past the fence but today's was perhaps the highest I've noted. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to produce a copy.

Is it that I just haven't picked up on this before or was it truly exceptional?
The best jumper I've seen is Frankie Figg jumping over the big Grand National fences - really shows them all how it's done :)
There are many pics of Desert Orchid where the fence isnt even in the photo - and a few years back Blazing Batman took off barely inside the wing to jump the first open ditch on the National Course....

Incredible stuff when they do it and get it right !!!
There's a great pic of Fondmort winging one of the Cheltenham fences, Bar, and Fitz has a great big grin of delight. I think it was taken during their first race after injuries.
There's something about a brave horse flying a fence, isn't there? Gets the heart pounding. Pity it's so difficult to convey to people who haven't discovered racing.
Just watched the race replay and thought his jump at the 2nd last was more impressive - he was spring heeled over that!


Didn't realise you was refering to the 1st jump (thought you meant the last), jesus christ there's no contest!

Wow, does anyone have videos of the other horses mentioned?
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Fondmorts one is the most amazing I have seen.

The best jumper of fences I have seen since following the sport is The Listener

Over hurdles Limestone Lad was a machine too
Fondmort for me too, that jump was just ridiculous - though there's one of Desert Orchid when he was racing Vodkatini (think it was the Victor Chandler) - they both took off at the same point, Dessie cleared it by several feet and Vodkatini pretty much wiped the fence out.
The best shots of a jumper has to be Kauto Star in the back straight at Kempton? not seen a thoroughbred over the timber in my short years as a fan do what Kauto can at Kempton, pure unadulterated art that sends shivers down my spine and makes my heart race a thousand miles an hour every year I see it! just can't get better than him.
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Bobsline must have been about the quickest jumper I've seen, was never the same after he fell at Cheltenham though.

I remember watching Buck House on fastish ground at the tail end of his novice year, tearing fearlessly at fences so fast I had my eyes half-covered for most jumps. Think it was Ayr? Memory not what it was and no access to anything useful to remind me. I remember thinking at the time it was as spectacular round of jumping as I'd ever seen.
I did reet and I'll never forget..............bloody Red Rum:mad:.

Surprised no-one's mentioned Viking Flagship, he was a bit of a lepper. Saw many photos of him at Alan King's where he was taking off outside the wings.
I think Istabraq over a hurdle beats the rock.

I only saw one horse clear a hurdler faster, and that was Make A Stand, although whether he had the gears that Istabraq had in a finish I doubt. His turn of foot to win his first champion hurdle made my neck tingle.
One name thay never gets a mention in this category but should is Impek. Always so economical and foot perfect at every obstacle.
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I find it hard to like the horse, DJ. His failure to win Azertyuiop's Arkle cost me the TTF.

Agree on the jumping though. Hen certainly knows how to school her horses - Best Mate and (particularly) Edredon Bleu were fantastic jumpers too.