Paul, I'm amazed by your remark. Closed minds are closed minds, regardless of age - I've met far more anti-homosexual bigots among young men than any other group, and at any given time in my life. I've noted that, provided they're free from religion-based hostility, a huge range of ages of both genders are accepting (not necessarily totally pro, but certainly tolerant) of homosexual and lesbian practices. The worst for homophobic hysteria is the late teens to 30s male. I don't have a single female friend who doesn't accept homosexuality, even if some of them know few or none personally and base their concept on what they see portrayed, often cartoonishly, on tv or on film. There are probably a few husbands of these friends who might begrudgingly accept the fact, with all the need to state idiotic remarks like 'as long as I don't bend down when he's around', etc. - all very tiresome and patronizing - as if they'd be fancied, anyway!
I don't know what sort of older people you know and mix with (perhaps none), but if that's their attitude (and perhaps in the Midlands it is more likely to be) then it may well explain why so many gays escape to more welcoming environments.