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George Bush

Are bestialists' human rights being infringed because they are not permitted to marry animals?
Originally posted by Venusian@Jun 7 2006, 09:28 PM
Are bestialists' human rights being infringed because they are not permitted to marry animals?
Surely the animal's rights would be unless it were e.g. a consenting dolphin.
from my last post it is easy to conclude that a civil ceremony would be ok, but, a civil ceremony is not a Marraige in the eyes of the church and that is all i am interested in.

Keep it civil, as they say. :D
I always thought there was an element of consent required Ven. Persuading a sheep to say 'I do' and proving a concious mind might present difficulty. Last time I knew they make a noise that sounds a bit like Blairrrrr
I assume Venusian was being facetious.

Jon, the opinions of those of a certain age are, in general, different and more (how do I put it?) backward thinking than the younger generations. That is a sweeping generalisation and I apologise for that but it is true far more often than not.
I believe this country still recognises forced marriages?

Btw, sheep tend to go "meh-heh-heh" rather than "Blairrr".
Coincidentally, there's an item on BBC1 news at the moment about forced marriages (of which there are about 300 instances a year in the UK), including an interview with somebody who went through a kind of pre-marriage marriage ceremony at the age of nine, although the "real" marriage didn't take place until some years later.

This seems a far more serious marriage issue than the status of gay marriages in some states in America, a faraway country of which we know little.
"Jon, the opinions of those of a certain age are, in general, different and more (how do I put it?) backward thinking than the younger generations. That is a sweeping generalisation and I apologise for that but it is true far more often than not."

Paul I find it difficult to believe that you have committed that to print.

The only answer I can come up with is.................BOLLOCKS!!

Harsh but true.
Paul, I'm amazed by your remark. Closed minds are closed minds, regardless of age - I've met far more anti-homosexual bigots among young men than any other group, and at any given time in my life. I've noted that, provided they're free from religion-based hostility, a huge range of ages of both genders are accepting (not necessarily totally pro, but certainly tolerant) of homosexual and lesbian practices. The worst for homophobic hysteria is the late teens to 30s male. I don't have a single female friend who doesn't accept homosexuality, even if some of them know few or none personally and base their concept on what they see portrayed, often cartoonishly, on tv or on film. There are probably a few husbands of these friends who might begrudgingly accept the fact, with all the need to state idiotic remarks like 'as long as I don't bend down when he's around', etc. - all very tiresome and patronizing - as if they'd be fancied, anyway!

I don't know what sort of older people you know and mix with (perhaps none), but if that's their attitude (and perhaps in the Midlands it is more likely to be) then it may well explain why so many gays escape to more welcoming environments.
Homophobia is more prevalent among younger people, I agree. My point is that the objections to gay marriage come from the older generation in the main. A large part of that is due to belief in the Bible which has decraesed in recent years.
"My point is that the objections to gay marriage come from the older generation in the main."

Paul, have you any evidence/statistics to support that staement or is it your perception?
Originally posted by krizon@Jun 8 2006, 01:34 AM
but if that's their attitude (and perhaps in the Midlands it is more likely to be)
That comment killed me Kri - :lol: :lol: Having said that, it made me laugh precisely because I do agree with you there yet I have got all sorts of grief from certain quarters for saying very similar in the past!

Paul, you do amaze me sometimes - all this self-righteous stuff yet would you seriously, honestly, say you were forward thinking and gave everyone a fair chance?
"The three people on this thread who have voiced "anti" opinions would all be of a certain age. Is that evidence?"

It is evidence that I disagree with Paul's assertion that people of a certain age are "backward" thinking.

It appears to me that Krizon is fairly forward thinking in her approach, Derek has his own view and I whilst not being able to accept homosexual behaviour as "normal" I'll accept that there are men and women who prefer living with their own sex and who am I to say that it is "wrong". I'm sorry if that sounds patronising but I can't express it any better at the moment.

Paul's post is such a sweeping generalisation that it "beggars belief" and until he provides some sort of evidence that that is the case I will stand by my assertion that that particular post was ..........."BOLLOCKS".
Fair do's. As a point of order though, I must point out that Krizon was not the final piece of my triumvirate. The third person, to my mind, implied their disinclination. I may have been wrong about that.
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Jun 8 2006, 10:25 AM
Paul's signature certainly suggests he would.
Ah, but a signature can say anything! It doesn't exist as proof of anything & I for one certainly don't think it is in this case...
Statistics on the "old fashoined man and woman marriage" would indicate that the younger generations don't hold it in any great favour and that it is a dying tradition. On the other hand the 'modern types of marriage' figures look set to rise. So statistically there may well come a time when the only marriages will be of the same sex type. Thank God I'll be gone when that happens. Yes, I am of a certain age.
The world will be full of bastards of course.
I'm pleased to see that someone on this thread managed to equate gay marriage with marriage between a man and an animal

Christian thinking if ever I heard it!
From a gallup poll

Americans unquestionably believe that homosexual men and women should have equal job opportunities, but a much smaller majority says homosexuality is an acceptable alternative lifestyle; in fact, fewer than half consider it morally acceptable. Along with other groups, younger adults (those under 40 years old) are widely tolerant of these positions, signaling a possible cultural shift in progress, whereas the older age groups have only a 20% acceptance rate.

Seniors, older men (those 50 years old or older), self-described "conservatives," and highly religious Americans are mostly resistant to this cultural shift.

A strong generational split is also evident, as only one-third (32%) of seniors say it is morally acceptable, compared with a majority (54%) of those under 40 years old.

There is also a survey accesible on there at


To log in, the email address and the password can be obtained by PM if anyone cares to read it.

If you do go on the site, type in gay marriage in the survey box to take you to the same results as I found.