Geraghty/Henderson - so far so good!



I had the pleasure of spending a lovely Autumn afternoon at my local track, Towcester, and a splendid evening in a couple of the local hostelries.

Fortunately for the packed crowd (it was my first midweek visit since the free entry started and it was a huge crowd!!) the afternoon witnessed Barry Geraghty's first ride since becoming retained by Nicky Henderson. Clearly Barry was "up for it" and got Ingratitude home in a driving finish when he looked set for second the berth having propped the 2nd last. He was clearly delighted exclaiming to the lad "That's not a bad start then" as he was led back in.

What's the betting my first bet back will be on Ingratitude trying to shoulder a penalty at Warwick or somesuch at odds of 1/2 and he gets turned over!!!

For me Barry has needed a fresh challenge for the past couple of seasons (probably since Moscow Flyer was retired) and the tragic demise of Macs Joy cannot have helped his motivation for the job. His slide down the Irish Jockey's table has told his own story, but now he looks lean, mean and ready to become Henderson's winning machine.

When he is on top of his game he is as good a National Hunt jockey as you will find, and I hope today's victory aboard Ingratitude is the sign of things to come this season.

For the record as I am still on a month long self-imposed sabbatical from betting I have the mispleasure of advising that I did not avail myself of some of the 9/4 at the boards just outside the weighing room (where I waiting for Barry to sign my racecard!). Which is even more frustrating given the horse owes me big time for his 2 defeats at Stratford in his novice hurdle campaign!!
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He got Ingratitude home, when all looked lost. People on here are all to quick to jump on his back when things go against him . A new job, a fresh start. Lets see how it goes
Like the avatar Granger!!! Very apt on this thread.

I think he got a lot very early in his career - association with Moscow; Irish Champion jockey; Gold Cup winner on KK; Grand National Monty's Pass; Irish Sports Personailty of the Year.

It is not surprising he may have had an "Alexander The Great" moment or two and wondered what else is left for him to achieve.

Apart from having had my brains on Moscow in the Arkle, I also had him to thank for a superbly positive ride aboard one of my all time fave Florida Pearl in the Martell Cup, at a time when the great horse's season appeared to have come off the rails. A great jockey and it is certainly our gain that we will be seeing a lot more of him this side of the Irish Sea over the coming months.
I think he's an arrogant little git who is more prone to fecking up due to said arrogance than making a decent fist of it. Why on earth Nicky saw fit to come to any kind of an agreement with this idiot is beyond me. I can't see it ending well.
You don't achieve what Geraghty has without talent. Nicky Henderson knows more about racing than me or anyone here. His decision.Good luck to the pair
I think he's an arrogant little git who is more prone to fecking up due to said arrogance than making a decent fist of it. Why on earth Nicky saw fit to come to any kind of an agreement with this idiot is beyond me. I can't see it ending well.

So he "fecked up" those 13 Cheltenham Festival Victories, 2 King George's, a Grand National and 2 Irish Jockeys titles? He was so bad in the early part of this decade that he was courted by all of the top British based handlers to become stable jockey until he made it clear he had no intention of leaving Ireland at that stage in his career?

Yeah, he's a walking disaster isn't he.
I wouldn't let Geraghty ride my bike. More so through his attitude and arrogance rather than lack of ability. He can be talented, yes - when he wants to be. He also has an enormous capacity to fuck up through that same arrogance and cocksure-ness.
#6, even though I recognise you for the troll you are, I will reply. Geraghty has fecked up more times than he has succeeded [IMO] down to his cockiness. He has a major attitude problem and he thinks that he himself is the best thing since sliced bread. Such an attitude will get you nowhere, not least when you feck up in the process.
Bit harsh branding numbersix a troll, Shads. Be nice now.. :D

My own personal view of Geraghty aside, I would tend to think this is a move out of necessity more than anything else given how reluctant he has always been to stay in Ireland. On the other hand, it is certainly a fantastic opportunity...
I've no fan of Geraghty's personality but you cannot deny that, at times, he can be very good. His steering of Slim Pickings around the National course was masterful. In fact, for a race like that, he'd be in my top three choices.
I remember him riding a cracker on Keen Leader in the NH CHase (the 3m) at Cheltenham a few years ago. He is capable but then again Dreamy Gent two weeks ago was another in the sequence of last obstacle mistakes/falls that seem to follow him around.
Don't like what I've seen and heard of the man, but he is a good rider.

Shadow Leader has a point in that cockiness can cause mistakes.

Maybe he'll settle a bit when he finds himself having to compete in a bigger pond over here?
I think he's an arrogant little git who is more prone to fecking up due to said arrogance than making a decent fist of it. Why on earth Nicky saw fit to come to any kind of an agreement with this idiot is beyond me. I can't see it ending well.

I wouldn't let Geraghty ride my bike. More so through his attitude and arrogance rather than lack of ability. He can be talented, yes - when he wants to be. He also has an enormous capacity to fuck up through that same arrogance and cocksure-ness.

Geraghty has fecked up more times than he has succeeded [IMO] down to his cockiness. He has a major attitude problem and he thinks that he himself is the best thing since sliced bread. Such an attitude will get you nowhere, not least when you feck up in the process.

Shadow, when you get a minute will you let us know what you think of Barry Geraghty.
Motivation was never a factor with Geraghty.

He rides everything as if it's a reluctant partner. Than every now and again he relax's and lets the horse do it's best (KK in the Gold Cup, Slim in the National) and you think there's hope for him before he starts doing the jumping up and down thing again, getting the horses completely unbalanced.... and with the same horses, horses he should know that just need to be steered. There is no consistency to his riding....well 90% sack of spuds, 10% spot on.

His inconsistency and personality have resulted in many bridges being burnt......but hey, everyone deserves a second chance right !
That's the point, really - if putting a jockey up on my horse, I don't want to have to guess whether this will be the one ride in 5 that he does well, or the remainder that he cocks up.
Ive never been the biggest fan of Mccoy but sometimes when you start to consider the somewhat tiresome "look at me" styles of the Carberrys and Gehartys of this world, then you see why so many love him so dearly
Barry Geraghty is nothing like Carberry (any of them!) in terms of style and ability. Carberry (Paul) is probably a bit past his prime now but he (at his best) is a brilliant jockey.

The reason McCoy is loved is because he never gives up, and general punters love that sort of attitude....and more to the point it is simple for them to understand. It looks like McCoy is doing more than Carberry simply because he is shoving away.
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Barry Geraghty is nothing like Carberry (any of them!) in terms of style and ability. Carberry (Paul) is probably a bit past his prime now but he (at his best) is a brilliant jockey.

Absolutely. Carberry is a sublime horseman and naturally gifted.

I like jockeys to be horsemen rather than anything else and not all of them are. One jockey who is undoubtedly a horseman and is strong as well who I think is currently under-rated and/or under used (probably because he's spent so long riding up north) is Dominic Elsworth.
Not talking about the actual riding styles, which are very different, but the feeling that there is an element of attention seeking in the make up....maybe could have phrased that better

The key with Mccoy is that its getting the job done that comes first. Hes at least as equally talented as the others but maximises his gifts without half an eye on the camera. I prefer Ruby to any of them though

None of them could hold a light to John Francome anyway and Dunwoody was another finer example of style mixed with determination
Absolutely. Carberry is a sublime horseman and naturally gifted.

Yes. But a prat of the first order as well. Nice prat maybe...but still a prat

I agree about Elsworth
Geraghty is so useless isn't he. I mean, the uselss oaf rode a four timer in Ireland the other day, three of them trained by Noel Meade. That Noel Meade is an even bigger idiot, I mean what must he be thinking putting a useless oaf like Geraghty up on his horses, who then go and win races. Obviously all 4 horses won in spite of Geraghty not because of him. I
Just look at how Geraghty presented the horse to the final hurdle just now at are spot on numbersix....Raise Your Heart won despite the jockey there.
I bet Kicking king cant wait to see him again later this afternoon.....

Is it possible that BG was the reason KK threw a two year sicky?