Geraghty/Henderson - so far so good!

Friday night?? I'd pretty much expect nothing less - and I'm reliably informed there were jocks out until the wee hours throughout the week also.

Like Trackside says though, why not? It wasn't so long ago you'd find every top jock riding in the south upside down in the Queen's in East Garston every Sunday night at least; often Friday and Saturday too - Fridays after having been at The Plough for happy hour!
It's an age thing I guess - and domesticity does change them!

The other week I was coming back from Wantage to Lambourn via the road which runs alongside the very top of Barry Hills' gallops and saw a jogger coming towards me; it was around 6pm on a Sunday. It's a punishing hill up out of the town, and a long way - a couple of miles at least - and just as long a way back of course. It was Seamus Durak.
Looking through old threads (guess whose fault) I decided to look for this. The partnership is as good as any I've seen and Geraghty has improved a lot for me.
Yes. Brings up the thought that teh actual working enviroment and realtionship with the trainer influences how the jockey rides. just the same as any line of work, if you are happy you wil perform. (bit like shagging too i suppose...not that I want to picture BG and NH )

Do get the impression he must be a great bloke to work for
He's an improver for me or at least he has gained consistency. He did make himself look a right plonker on occasion. I suppose he's more settled now like the rest of us.