- Opinions Please!


At the Start
Jan 20, 2005
some of you may have noticed they did sponsor the Sweet Solera for the first time; Andreas Tiedtke did an interview with Channel 4 as well.

has anybody on here seen the homepage before?

what do you think about the site and the brochure?

comments are much appreaciated !

I don't know enough about breeding to comment in detail, but I would say that the brochure is better at selling the virtues of German bloodstock than the website, which is quite mediocre in my opinion.

But I wouldn't even have known the brochure was lurking there on the site if you hadn't mentioned it.

On the whole the English is rather good but a native speaker experienced at copy editing could have improved it quite a bit (where is Hassia, what are warm-blood horses?).

But what is the immediate purpose? Why are the dates of the next sales in Germany nor more prominently displayed? Or a list of the stallions standing in Germany and their fees? I know that the individual pdf files for each stallion give this information but it would be useful to have it collated in a single table.

I also think more could be made of Germany's growing influence in the NH sphere. I know there are passing references here and there to Well Chief and Twist Magic, but it might have been worth a separate chapter.

I hope this helps.
thanks Grey, exactly what I am / we are looking for ! Will pass it on. Any comments / critics ect as said greatly appreciated.
I did not open it - but is this brochure the same one that is in the TBA Owner-Breeder magazine? That's very good I think.

I like the website, not too fancy so loads easy.

But could do with banging own drum a bit more I think, ie good photos of some of their superstars .... and the photo on their front page is nice but we do not know who it is. Would be great if it was somebody well known, like Manduro, and we knew that.

You know you can have the photos so that when you pass the mouse over them the name, date etc pops up in text? Or if not then text under the photo. If you want to get flash you can have a row of smaller photos that move about as you look, can send you a link to page like that. Or the front page photo could change once a month or something like that if you wanted to vary it for keeping page fresh. Although sometimes it pays to go for a standard and stick to it.

I think on the 'stud' page where there is the map it would be useful to have the names of the studs, and maybe somehow a bit about them, or a link to their stallions. Does that make sense?
Oops. forgot to say that I also agree with what Grey has just said! Especially the NH part.

AND, maybe something could be made of how German bloodlines play a big part in some VERY well known horse pedigrees even though said horse may not be all German bred, such as See The Stars, Galileo and King's Best :<3:. Perhaps an article with a little story and some photos (Jimmy's would be good!) of horses.