Originally posted by Warbler@Sep 8 2006, 01:36 PM
The case for going to war with Iraq was so colpetely flawed in so many arrears Suny it was embarassing. If you are so concerned about the threat posed by AQ, why would you want to destroy a secular state that was one of the very few in the region where AQ never could get a foothold? In removing a dictator whose methods you then largely go on to replicate, all you were ever going to do was recruit for AQ as a result of creating the ineviatble vacuum that would follow from the break down of an established order.
Lets not forget that within 12 months of the Islamic revolution in Iran and the over throw of the Shah, Saddam had declared war on Khnomeni (backed no less by the Americans and a dodgey arms dealer called Rumsfeld amongst others). Saddam wasn't stupid he knew the threat that popular Islamic militancy posed to his own regime, and needed it crushing in order to protect his own hegenomy. In short if you took up a blank piece of paper, and tried to work out who your natural allies in the region were in the vent of a war against militant Islam, then Saddam's Iraq would be pretty high on your list, if not top it. The only place that AQ ever got foothold in Iraq was in the North, where a group called Ansar al Islam emerged. Saddam wanted to get them, but couldn't because of John Majors no fly zone which he somehow got the Americans to adopt and enforce. Using this American shield as cover, they did indeed start to prosper.
The Iran/ Iraq war of course set in train a chain of events that ultimately unravelled in today's mess. The Americans had sought to 'manage' a stalemate between the 2 aggressors, (how they possibly thought that this could be a sustainable policy is beyond me?) So with his economy ruined, Saddam indulged in an oil snatch (sound familiar?). At least he did have some historical claim to Kuwait, as it was the 19th province of Iraq before being annexed artifically by the Western allies as part of the post war settlement.
The first war obviously resulted in a multi national coalition (well America, the UK and France predominantly) a number of other countries sent symbolically diplomatic frigates to float around the Gulf for a few months. Syria also sent symbolic troops (even though they never fired a round) as part of a corrupt deal with the Americans over a seperate and equally criminal compromise. After the war however, a victorious Bush (accompanied by his daughter in law which people often over look - a one Laura Bush) was allegedly the subject of an Iraqi assassination attempt when touring Kuwait. The plot was foiled, but the seed had been sown.
I remember watching a BBC documentary (pre 9/11) which examined the relationship between American Presidents and British PM's. For the most part it was gushy, with only the Heath/ Nixon and Wilson/ Johnson relationship getting a rough ride (I don't remember Suez cropping up though). In it Blair was interviewed about Bush, as he was the first foreign leader to be received by the incoming President at Camp David. Blair recalls how he's met by Bush and they share a journey up to Presidential retreat. Bush asks him "what would you like to talk about Prime Minister?". Blair still feeling for his ground responds politely with "What would you prefer to talk about?" Bush instantaneosuly replied "Iraq". Blair goes on to portray the President as dynamic, decisive, focused and someone who wanted to get down to business etc. Obsessed, and pre-conceived would be words that come to my mind.
For a nice to meet you, lets get to know each other for the first time encounter, it was a frankly bizzare exchange and Blair admitted to be being taken aback. Remember the interview took place before any war.
Ultimately America ended up fielding a frankly embarrased looking Colin Powell at the UN on February 9th who produced artists impressions of what a mobile laboratory would look like if the Americans could find one (they were colourful if nothing else). The artist it transpires was working on descriptions given by paid dissidents who'd never seen one. He then fielded a series of aerial photographs which had less clarity than those that Adlai Stevenson had produced 40 years earlier (despite America telling us that their spy satelittes can read the report on your desk etc) Powells coup de grace of course was picture of a factory which had no roof, and 6 months later it had a roof!!!! Dominic du Villipan duly did a number on the visually embarrassed and clearly uncomfortable Powell.
In short there was no case apart from a family feud and a desire to snatch oil. My biggest gripe with Iraq however, is the tactical ineptitude displayed by the Americans whose involvement for absolutely no good reason what so ever has made it ever more difficult to prosecute the war. They've got themselves embroilled in an unnecessary conflict, with a country that didn't have any weapons, that actively sought to challenge and destroy AQ, and in doing so have set about acting as the best recruiting sergeant that UBL could have hoped for.
Finally, I think it was Fudge who brought up the issue of 'countries'? If I'm wrong I apologise as there's too many posts on the thread to scroll down a check it now.
I think it critical to our understanding to appreciate that this is not a war based on a conventional western understanding of conflict. This is not about one soverign state and their allies attacking another, which invariably involves the capture of territory and a proclamation of victory/ defeat thus. The dynamics at play here are much more subtle. Declaring a war on a physical, visible, and largely static target is easy. What we're dealing with here instead is a declaration on a philosophy/ belief masquerading as a religion. Indeed the Americans seemed to struggle with this concept at an early stage when Bush memorably referred to them as "folks" clearly he didn't know what he was declaring war on. Eventually he drew a curious axis of evil, which was as notable for its ommissions as it was for some of its spurious inclusions. Again however, he doesn't seem to have been able to view the conflict outside of simple territorial border lines drawn on maps and coloured in for him.
The other problem he seems to have (along with his planners and advisers) is their inability to understand that AQ is not a traditional hierarchial command and control structure. Indeed the name roughly translates into 'the centre/ hub'. Much as I believe Mossad does in Hebrew incidentally. In that respect AQ is a resource centre that has scattered its cells. It doesn't occupy any one country, doesn't fly a flag and doesn't wear a uniform. In short it can crop up any where. One of the first rules of battle is to understand your enemy. Trapped as they are within their limited horizons and traditional thinking the Americans and British failed to grasp the nature of the opponent at an early juncture, and have therefore made a series of tactical errors. In doing so, it is their negligence and incompetancy that has presented the opportunity for Armoured Dinner Jacket to pursue his nuclear aspirations