Goodbye Clive Brittain.


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
A pity no one started a thread to tribute this lovely man

for all that some will sneer that he wasn't a handicap fiddler and didn't mind ambitious running of his charges, he handled two of the finest fillies I've seen extremely well. Nice guy and rather him than some of the stone faced tossers we have to endure . And he started from scratch

his comments on retiring today we're classy. No platitudes or self pity.
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I loved the way so many of his horses ran big races at big prices. Warrsaan!

Although I note his reason for retirement is to look after the health of his wife, I hope that he has a long and happy retirement.
Nice Guy, probably the only guy who I'd pitch my dance moves against and hopefully he'll have a decent lie in now and again :)

Thanks for the memories.
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Wish him all the best. Would be great if his last runner could win. Though shame he can't be there. Would be great to see one last jiggy jig.
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Wasn't he the first trainer to install swimming pools for his horses? Very forward thinking and innovative.
Read a real touching piece on him and his retirement, what a great guy. You can't help but like him and he was undoubtedly a trainer of real ability, particularly with fillies. Recent exploits with Rizeena have only served to reinforce that. Happy retirement Clive.
Nicely put because as well as being very smart and shrewd he didn't try to build up some genius mystique or have it thrust upon him and also he gave the impression that he was forever thankful to be doing something he loved.
Cool Jazz winning the Diadem at 33/1 did me a major favour when I was in my first London job-Clive being Clive put up a top American jockey that was unknown in this part of the world -I had followed the horse since he was a handicapper knowing his day would come at a big price in a Group race.
There is so much to celebrate in his career-Pebbles hacking up in the Champion Stakes when overlooked by the market before winning the Breeders Cup turf when it was a really big deal.Jupiter Island from handicapper to Japan Cup winner.Bold Arrangement runner up in the Kentucky Derby -still the best everer performance from a European.
Always came across as a really good guy.
Always remember him as someone who didn't shy at tilting at windmills, and if there was a surprise outsider won a decent race, you can bet it was a Clive Brittain trained runner! Best wishes on his retirement.