Goodbye yellow brick injunction


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
To the disappointment of the "Murdoch press Murdoch Press" obsessives and various media stalinists on here, freedom has won out and the injunction wasn't worth a Candle in the wind was it?
So who the **** are these sex addicts. Should I buy The Sun tomorrow?
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Cant say really but sorry does seem to be the hardest word

Up to you. I dont think people give a toss about these stories these days. yes they will look at it. laugh a bit then move on
This morning's Daily Telegraph front page made me smile. A less than subtle dig at the double standards and hypocrisy of certain people.
(In other news, a well-known British actor boastful of his "family man" credentials has a super-injunction gagging the U.K. press from revealing his sordid goings-on with a prossie). :whistle:
Ice. This was debated here some time ago and it brought the stalinist losers out of the woodwork moaning about the press and indicating that they knew what the public should and shouldnt know

I think there should a permanent injunction on the leaking of any sort of celebrity sex stories because I find it fairly worrying that the public has such an unhealthy interest in them. Could perhaps include Ok and Hello magazines (and others of that ilk) in said injunction.

We are pandering to the brainless fuckwiterry of the masses.
Would like an MP to do what they did last time with Giggs.

What a fuckwhit, taking out an injunction is a sure fire way to get yourself in the papers, maybe that was the plan...
I think there should a permanent injunction on the leaking of any sort of celebrity sex stories because I find it fairly worrying that the public has such an unhealthy interest in them. Could perhaps include Ok and Hello magazines (and others of that ilk) in said injunction.

We are pandering to the brainless fuckwiterry of the masses.

I think there should a permanent injunction on the leaking of any sort of celebrity sex stories because I find it fairly worrying that the public has such an unhealthy interest in them. Could perhaps include Ok and Hello magazines (and others of that ilk) in said injunction.

We are pandering to the brainless fuckwiterry of the masses.

yes it's down to those that "know what's good for the masses" to decide on what they should and shouldn't read

i didnt have you down as a guardian reading wnkr simmo. no snob like a left wing snob etc etc

some might say that blowing money in the belief that they can win on the horses is a bit thick too.
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yes it's down to those that "know what's good for the masses" to decide on what they should and shouldn't read

I'm not terribly clear on what is left-wing about advocating censorship for the good of the nation. Seems a bit fascist if anything to me. It's no more "left-wing" than advocating healthy eating, excessively taxing drink and cigarettes in order to discourage or any other activity which is proscribed, like, say, murder or child-porn for the good of society.

I suspect a Guardian reader would be more likely to advocate permitting personal choice in everything, including reading matter.

It has more to do with abhorring the national fascination with "celebrity" and the subsequent dumbing down of the "national" intellect which becomes more and more apparent by the day. The fact that the Daily Telegraph appears to be leading this current fight, rather backs up that assertion imo.
That said, I should perhaps have taken into account those people who would quite like to knock one out fantasising about a threesome with Elton John, such as yourself and your followers. Who am I to deny someone the right to a good old-fashioned in-the-closet hand shandy?
That said, I should perhaps have taken into account those people who would quite like to knock one out fantasising about a threesome with Elton John, such as yourself and your followers. Who am I to deny someone the right to a good old-fashioned in-the-closet hand shandy?
Please don't make judgements about the rest of us based solely on your own base personal predilections.
Usually, those that accuse others of weird stuff have a penchant for it themselves.
Please don't make judgements about the rest of us based solely on your own base personal predilections.
Usually, those that accuse others of weird stuff have a penchant for it themselves.

Good advice and interesting to note that you consider homosexual activities to be "weird" and "base".
Good advice and interesting to note that you consider homosexual activities to be "weird" and "base".
No I don't, I didn't say anything like that .................. and well you know it.
I was of course referring to your allegation of jacking off whilst imagining a 3-way tryst with a homosexual. (Why would you even want to write such stuff on a public forum?).
You know what, I am not at all comfortable with this discussion so I'll desist from further debate on the matter.
This is comedy gold this. I like Elton Johns music, but I've never had a gay thought in my life let alone an intimidate encounter! Simmo makes some good points about the dumbing down of society, but the injuction is precious little to do with that.

People are two dimensional, its the way it is and has been for a long time.
A 100000,000 word thesis could be written about what's happened to 'society'. I'll leave that to Warbler.
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No I don't, I didn't say anything like that .................. and well you know it.
I was of course referring to your allegation of jacking off whilst imagining a 3-way tryst with a homosexual. (Why would you even want to write such stuff on a public forum?).
You know what, I am not at all comfortable with this discussion so I'll desist from further debate on the matter.

Mild for this person!
He called me a paedophile not long ago. (From the safety of his keyboard)
Very mature
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You know what, I am not at all comfortable with this discussion so I'll desist from further debate on the matter.

I'm not surprised given your obvious level of bigotry.

But I will say that anyone who thinks that things which have been commonplace for thousands of years - e.g. homosexuality and 3-way trysts, either involving or not involving homosexuals, and the fantasising about thereof are either "weird" or "base" needs to review their decision making process. And probably join IS - it's on their kind of level of stupidity.