Goodbye yellow brick injunction

The dream is always there, and stastistics show 3% of punters do profit long term

i have no doubt about that but aside from the posts above the point I'm making is that there is this general sneering at "celebrity obsession" and the so called masses

its pure snobbery straight out of Emily thornberry tweet. And yes, it is the left who seem most obssesed about this

what is the difference between someone flicking through the paper, perhaps making passing comments on a slebs sex life and two guys discussing twenty two men kicking a ball? who's going where and how much they are being paid blah blah. Or which jockey is going to ride for who. Or which rock star "genius" has blown his brains out

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Clive, it's Friday.

i have to say that's a Good cartoon . Laughed at that

colin. What's the point of forums if it's a dull cosy consensus? Ok that is the drab trend here but no reason not call it as I see it?

Is sneering at "the masses" the new leftish concensus though? I certainly believe so

Good question??
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