Starting in April, NHS prescriptions in Wales are to be free of any charge whatsoever.
Living in England? Sorry, you will have to pay prescription charges at £6-65p per item.
Elderly? In need of care? Then emigrate to Scotland, where care charges are to be for free.
English students will now face bills of up to £3,000 a year.
Scottish students are not charged at all, not a single penny and Welsh students only £1,200 a year.
All this comes about because the treasury spending in England is some £6,700 per head, in Wales £7,666 and in Scotland they receive £8,266.
Who pays the differential? Why the English taxpayer!!! So cheer up. Work hard. Pay your taxes and the Scots and Welsh parliaments will spend it for you.
This is in no way a pop at the Welsh or the Scots, the idiots are housed in Westminster, If I were a young man again......Scotland here I come.
Living in England? Sorry, you will have to pay prescription charges at £6-65p per item.
Elderly? In need of care? Then emigrate to Scotland, where care charges are to be for free.
English students will now face bills of up to £3,000 a year.
Scottish students are not charged at all, not a single penny and Welsh students only £1,200 a year.
All this comes about because the treasury spending in England is some £6,700 per head, in Wales £7,666 and in Scotland they receive £8,266.
Who pays the differential? Why the English taxpayer!!! So cheer up. Work hard. Pay your taxes and the Scots and Welsh parliaments will spend it for you.
This is in no way a pop at the Welsh or the Scots, the idiots are housed in Westminster, If I were a young man again......Scotland here I come.