Ha ha ha check this out, funniest story ever

"Despite magistrates being told at the time that this was a case they would be “unlikely to come across again,” " :blink:

I liked that, too, redhead - talk about foot-in-mouth disease!

(To the tune of 'The Surrey with the Fringe on Top'):

Pigs and sheep and cows gonna worry
When they hear a noise in the slurry
And see me bobbin' on top!

In my shiny red shorts and rubber gloves
I'll mess with the chickens, the ducks and the doves
And ne-ver stop -

Catch me if you can, 'cos when I'm on the loose
Nothing is safe, not even a goose,
But it's dung and doo-doo, however gloppy
That makes my heart sing and me go soppy,
In ladies' jammies, or frilly knicks,
There's nothing better, out in the sticks,
Than poking your privates in piles of manure -
And rolling around in piles of ordure!

(Repeat first verse, etc.)
That made me laugh, Krizon.

On the other hand, I suspect that future generations will regard our treatment of such people as primitive.
And how many finally 'fessed up to the old shorts-and-gloves routine, Songs? Mind you, with their gloved hands so frequently up the arses of bellowing bovines, I don't suppose most farmers consider that much of a turn-on!

Grey, I personally can't see the problem with the chap playing in dung, if that's his pleasure. The tissues are biodegradable, after all. He's not harming anyone with his habits, although perhaps if you have small children around, you'd rather not, er, expose them to the sight of him copulating with a cowpat. But, hey, otherwise - each to their own!

I think some advertising's missing a trick here, too: "Hubby been pleasuring himself in the dung again? Stains all over his nice new shorts? No problem - Vanish will get them out in no time!"
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Sounds like he likes to spread himself around a bit, He may well like being locked in shit hole for 16 weeks, will he get come upence Istill like the one about bloke not stopping when up a goat even though a train full of people had stopped and were watching, even stranger is the fact that only one person conplained.