Hands Up...

I think that's one of around three charges the BHA is considering, Shadz - according to one of the BHA security guys I spoke with on the day.
Of course, when I pull a pygmy off the back of my horse and kick them into next week for doing something to one of my horses (like remounting after they've fallen!!) none of those charges could possibly count....
Don't forget Songsheet's handy silage pit, should you need it, Shadz... I believe the horses and cows are actually just a cover for special deals with Mossad, MI6, the Triads and the Ochoa Brothers.
Yes, of course. It looked weird when I typed it, but because I'm old and fuddled, I couldn't think of the correct word. Time to be pts, I think.
David Reynolds has been charged by the BHA with violent and improper behaviour on premises licensed by the BHA, and of acting in a manner prejudicial to the integrity, proper conduct, and good reputation of British racing.
He will hear his fate on Monday, after which he will be drawn on a hurdle (supplied by Lingfield) to a place of execution, where he will be tied to ELNA BRIGHT and THE SCORCHING WIND, the horses being released at the gallop, and invited to then decide who interfered with whom. And let that be a lesson to you all.