Your prob like most people!Originally posted by Maurice@Jun 30 2006, 11:24 AM
I can understand the argument (though not necessarily agree with it) for allowing it to be done to genuine working dogs but I'm afraid I can't understand why anyone would want to inflict it upon a non-working dog unless for humane reasons, e.g. if the tail was damaged or causing infection.
Can't stand the thought of a dog docked for cosmetic/show reasons

But docking working breeds I feel is a must inparticular Springers because of their flushing instincts, you've already seen the damage that a rummage through some bushes can do to a dog!
Murphy the B&W springer has a half docked tail which means he has around 8in of tail, he came from a family where all the springers they own were all working dogs, incedently for anyone who doesn't know about springers there are two types, working strain & show strain, the show strain are bigger have longer ears & fuller coats, they are also fully docked leaving just a small stump, working strain which are what my two are, are smaller have shorter ears & less of a coat, they usually have just a half dock but not always,
Rosie is slightly different she has a full tail but as her mother was a pet & sire was a working dog this would put most people looking for a working dog off as they can loose some of the working spirit in them so her breeders took the desision not to dock, all Rosies siblings except one went off as pets, the other was bought for sniffer work & now works at Luton & Stansted airports
