Hen Knight/Jim Lewis

Is Brian H is the official spokesman for Henrietta Knight then? shrug:: Assuming he is, I don't think Brian answered my question as to whether Henrietta did mention to the press about Jim Lewis' loyalty (or lack of it) which is what I think a lot of this non story is all about.
This the quote which has been in the papers...

"We had some great times together and it's a pity when loyalty flies out of the window," said Knight.
Perhaps, it was a misquote, Venusian. Perhaps, Henrietta never said that at all so the non story is even more of a non story now. Perhaps, we will never know. :)
You're seriously suggesting that all the reporters misheard what she said, or decided to make something up?
Arse reporter to A.topjockey ' Is he the best you've ever ridden ?'

A.topjockey ' Could be '

Next days report by Arse reporter headlined ' BEST I'VE EVER RIDDEN'
A.topjockey yesterday said that Horse could be the best he's ridden after storming to an impressive victory blah blah.

This is how Pat Eddery quoted something as the best he had ridden every season. By saying 'could be' to a question.

Now,Arse reporter; 'MadTrainer, would it be a shame if loyalty flew out the window after the Best Mate years ?'

Madtrainer ' it would'

Arse reporters report ' Mad trainer yesterday said it was a shame that loyalty blah blah ....
Inevitably when you've had some good days you want more. It's a bit like a kid in a candy shop. And I'd imagine this might be setting in on Lewis. Its been a few years since Edredon and Best Mate were providing him with Cheltenham glory and maybe he sees Nicholls hitting the jackpot now and simply wants some of that. I know exactly how he feels. That creates its own pressures, especially if you are spending a lot of money on your horses. So maybe it all just came to a head and possibly Hen or Terry didnt take it too well. But while I would appreciate the first piece, I have no idea about the last statement.

Maybe JP should think about doing the same with Jonjo and spreadng the horses around a little morein UK, although he could do with consoilidating his operations in Ireland with two or three decent trainers.
Strange, the only two JP horses of any use that Jonjo trains appear to be Witchita Lineman, Dont Push It and at a stretch Butlers Cabin. Am I missing any? Hasty Prince perhaps.

Gifford has Straw Bear, King has Franchoek, and even Henderson introduced a nice type in Aigle d'Or at Lingfield last week.
Jim Lewis has always come across to me as an individual seriously lacking in taste and class. I still can't get that image of him out of my head - marching down the Cheltenham Hill in his Aston Villa scarf as part of the Best Mate cortege, just after his wife had passed away. Just all seemed so "wrong" at the time. Maybe Hen would be better off without him.
For what it is worth, I moved two horses from Henrietta Knight - Lord Noelie and Lucky Bay. We had had horses with Hen since 1993. I had the job of going and telling Hen. She accepted my reasons, there was no animosity and she wished us all the best. A couple of years later I approached Hen to ask her if she would train another horse for us, Winds and Dragons and she was very welcoming despite already having a stable full of much better horses. I think that is the measure of the lady.
Am I correct in saying that Lord Noelie did well for a change of scenary? Was there any particular reason you left?
We left because we thought he might benefit from a change of scenery and also to help a new trainer who was just getting started in the training business.