it's really not worth arguing the toss about the CA on here, since there is such wilful ignorance demonstrated by people who clearly have no knowledge of its membership, nor of what it campaigns for. If you get its 'grassroutes' email service you'd soon understand it's about the rural economy and how that is constantly undermined by the incomprehension of this totally urban-centrist Govt in almost every respect. Its current campaigns include the closure of rural post offices, rural flytipping stemming from the loony council refuse policies, and as ever the support of locally produced food, inc small retailers, cheesemakers, game etc etc.
The remarks on here from people who appear to just blindly dislike both the middle/upper classes and the country way of life while comprehending neither, make reasonable argument a waste of time. There are plenty of 'workers' who belong to and support the CA - I can count at least 15 who use my Suffolk local out of a crowd of 'regulars' numbering maybe 35 - inc a car mechanic, a taxi driver, two gamekeepers, and a farm inspector {poultry} [who was once a submariner]. All of them shoot, most of them fish - and none of them hunt.
The President of the CA is of course Kate Hoey, one of only c10 MPs in the Labour Party for whom I have any respect. If she were PM and the party were full of people like her, I'd be happy to vote for it again. The previous President was Baroness Mallalieu, a Labour peer.
Of course the economic arguments for hunting - in fact for field sports in totality since we all know that that's what is at stake here - aren't predicated on their effect on the national economy - it's the effect of bans in specific localities, some of which are among the poorest in the country eg rural Wales and Northumberland which matter. But for Leftists the will of the masses, however ignorant, must always prevail even at the expense of individuals' homes and incomes.
Ardross: the CA is NOT intolerant of other lifestyles and opinions; it was founded to counteract the intolerance of others. CA members are happy to let and let live so long as they are offered the same courtesy. It does object to the propaganda based on a systematic repetition of lies based on malice and ignorance which fortunately seems to have rebounded on the perpetrators. A long campaign based on putting out the true facts has resulted in a change of public opinion in support of country sports. I'm not currently a member of the CA btw.
Warbler I don't know if you are referring to Darley by instancing a 'Newmarket global operation', and insinuating that a lot of their horses have been sent off to slaughter? - in fact Darley have now set up their own re-homing programme and there is a link to it from the ROR website. As you may remember about 2,000,000K was given to Retraining Of Racehorses by Sheikh Maktoum following the sale of the RP title for their work in re-homing racehorses, so any criticsm of Darley on that score is wide of the mark.
SL: We understand your passion but in some cases agressive and intemperate language really is counterproductive :brows: