Here We Go Again....

Whats the CA's stance on the billions of pounds that the rural economy recieves out of "urban" pockets through farming subsidies?

Its current campaigns include the closure of rural post offices, rural flytipping stemming from the loony council refuse policies, and as ever the support of locally produced food, inc small retailers, cheesemakers, game etc etc.

Great. May i suggest that you can have your empty post offices and we will stop fly tipping so long as we can have our money back?

To make matters worse, the subisides go towards producing the worst quality, most unhygenic and disease ridden food in western europe

and lets just consider this

The Queen and Prince Charles received a total of more than £1m in EU farm subsidies in the past two years, it was revealed yesterday.
The figure emerged as the government for the first time published the amount of subsidy each farmer in Britain receives, after a request from the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act.

It showed that major landowners receive the largest subsidies from the taxpayer. Seventeen farmers and agricultural enterprises received more than £1m each last year in help from the taxpayer

The figures also reveal that hundreds of millions of pounds go to subsidise the UK's agricultural exports, while many developing countries are unable to compete, adding to the huge debt facing Africa.
The largest export subsidy goes to Tate and Lyle, which over two years received £233m from the taxpayer to sell sugar overseas - way above the next company on the list.
The world is coming to something when breakdown mechanics are protesting at Plumpton. And thankyou for pointing out they are also known drunks Ardross. Surely the police should have dispersed this oily bunch of alcohol induced desperados.

I know some of those old horseboxes can be a pig to start but to harrass racegoers over their plight is a step too far in my opinion. and something should clearly be done about these people.

Next year I shall renew with the RAC and I'd urge others to do the same. I also feel we should thank Shadow Leader drawing to our attention they type of people they employ.

And I'd thank Warbler to stop picking on her when she is clearly highlighting what could become a worrying epidemic around our racecourses.

Mind you they might come in useful if I need to get out of a racecourse car park on a filthy wet winters day, so perhaps I should have a rethink.
Iraq War:
I think most people - by a small majority - were agnostic on the question of the war before it happened, rather than *for* it - we didn't know whether we were being lied to or not. If what we were told had been true, there there would have been a case for a war to depose such a brutal dictator - but only provided there had been a plan in place for what happened if the invasion succeeded. So I feel that c30/40% of people were against, c40/50% were 'don't knows' and only c10% were truly for the war. That's certainly the case from my own fairly wide acquaintance - which covers all classes and social levels, and all ends of the political spectrum except the most extreme

I'm more than ever convinced it wasn't the invasion itself which was the greater crime, but the total lack of contingency planning and forward intelligence. It's this which has resulted in such huge loss of life, of world heritage, and devastation of the whole country - not to mention the radicalising of Muslims everywhere against the West.
Guys, if you want to discuss the Countryside Alliance / popular demonstration please take it to General Chat. I can split off the relevant part of this thread into a new one in there if you like, but if it's going to run (and run...) then General Racing isn't really the place for it.
Originally posted by clivex@Dec 18 2007, 04:48 PM
Whats the CA's stance on the billions of pounds that the rural economy recieves out of "urban" pockets through farming subsidies?
I'm not sure what the CA's stance is, as I'm not a member - but most farmers* would prefer to be able to grow/raise and then to sell what they choose, without bureaucratic interference and without the huge distortions in the market which subsidies create. The EU's CAP regime has made it impossible for farmers to survive unless they grow what is subsidised.

Under the latest rules driven by the eco-lobby, which demand that from next year a certain proportion of land is turned over in this country to biofuel crops, there will no longer be enough land available to grow sufficient foodcrops to feed our own population. It's the economics of the madhouse, and farmers [*excepting the huge barely-baron agro-indiustries of eg East Anglia, who do very well indeed out of it] loathe the CAP regime as much as we observers do. They don't have freedom of choice, esp as the supermarkets also have a huge say in what they grow and how.
I'm a step ahead of you Maruco - RAC all the way!!!

Well said about the CA, Headstrong. It is evident that many (not all) views expressed are wholly due to being anti-CA and the ridiculous assumption that all its members are "upper class toffs". Yawn, yawn.

Strange that FU - I can't remember claiming Katchit was the reincarnation of Istabraq. Maybe you should get reading posts again?
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Dec 18 2007, 04:57 PM
Guys, if you want to discuss the Countryside Alliance / popular demonstration please take it to General Chat. I can split off the relevant part of this thread into a new one in there if you like, but if it's going to run (and run...) then General Racing isn't really the place for it.
It was Shadow Leader who started it..... honest Sir it was....... It wasn't me ..... no was her ......... the one over there..... yeah....... that's right the one who pretends to have blonde hair, and get done for her ID sir.........

"Ms Leader"

"Dare yolur enter Headmaster Flynns office?"
I think it's a non topic to be honest Rory, it's just vDom who seems to insist on giving AA oxygen. And on that, I promise to leave the thread.