Hereford - to go?

There has already a significant drop in the mumber of owners, trainers and horses in training.
These figures are taken from the latest BHA's Racing Bulletin comparing to July 2008- 2010 with the exception of trainer numbers which are to June.

Owners fell by 9% from 8907 to 8075
New owner registrations fell by 17% from 1204 to 1002

The number of trainers fell by 10% from 785 to 710. Excluding permit holders the drop was 7% from 621 to 576

Named horses in training declined by 6% from 13867 to 13068

Direct comparisons for flat only and jump only horses aren't possible because the BHA re-classified the definition of dual purpose horses; moving most of them into flat only or jump only. But taking horses theoretically available to run under each code the declines are:

Flat+DP horses declined by 10% from 11867 to 10461
Jump+DP horses declined by 19% from 4647 to 3755.

It may be that the decline in available to run jumpers is overstated because it looks the BHA re-classified the majority of DP horses to flat only.

Nonetheless these are already serious falls. What with the depressed economic outlook and the drop in prize money for many races below what were already pitiful levels; the number of owners, trainers and HITs will continue to decline. There is no doubt of that. The question is the rate and speed of decline and depending on that what the BHA (if left to their own devices) will do to keep up the number of races to appease the off-course bookmakers. More than that though it's an open question as to what the shape of UK racing will look like in a couple of years time
Should the racecourses take such a brave move it would be interesting to see how the big bookies and the exchanges react.

Perhaps they would stop griping and running away from government intervention to take a proper 'international' based levy (so taxing offshore organisations as much as those who remain in the UK) and start lobbying for one?

The BHA should, at the least, be pushing hard for that change, MR2, and not waste more time moaning about the reduced - and reducing - input from the Levy. The declines that Richard's noted don't bode well for the breeding industry upwards - and as I've said before, all of racing should act in concert, not in disparate tribal groups. The TBA, the NTF, even the JA, should all put their combined, considerable weight behind demands that the BHA consider other, possibly radically different, approaches to lightening the load on owners and rewarding their investment in providing the betting product more appropriately.

When something like our Brighton Rocket has dropped from £20,000 to just slightly over £4,000 in a few years, as one small example of reducing prizes, and an average 4th place barely pays for lunch for two in the course restaurant, then the BHA really needs to get going on change.