Senior Jockey
Aug 1, 2008
Not got much to lose.
I am nearing the end of a year long argument with them about my tax code: they changed mine based on an assumption of interest earned ( I have some money from selling my maisonette which needs to be reinvested rapidly, anyway) , they have basically overcharged me and owe me a refund, which I have been trying to tell them for a year. I have had to point out that they cannot add up, that interest rates on savings plummeted during last tax year and basically that they can't add up.
One of the flaws in the system to emerge was that the banks apparently report how much money you have but not their interest rate for the current tax year, so HMRC assume the same rate of interest is being paid from year to year. Why they assume this I have no idea, and it is up to the bank to correct their assumption. One of my communications includes ' how are they, the banks, supposed to know what has been assumed? I'm still waiting on a reply for that one.
Anyway, I have 'compensation' coming, plus a refund ( which is still wrong and I am on at that them again ) but what I would say is , if you even suspect your tax is wrong; a ) challenge it b) mark any communications 'complaint' and c ) I have direct number and email address of Complaints Department ( could not get through on the general phone, on hold for 4 hours all told ) so if anyone wants those details, please don't hesitate to ask.
I am nearing the end of a year long argument with them about my tax code: they changed mine based on an assumption of interest earned ( I have some money from selling my maisonette which needs to be reinvested rapidly, anyway) , they have basically overcharged me and owe me a refund, which I have been trying to tell them for a year. I have had to point out that they cannot add up, that interest rates on savings plummeted during last tax year and basically that they can't add up.
One of the flaws in the system to emerge was that the banks apparently report how much money you have but not their interest rate for the current tax year, so HMRC assume the same rate of interest is being paid from year to year. Why they assume this I have no idea, and it is up to the bank to correct their assumption. One of my communications includes ' how are they, the banks, supposed to know what has been assumed? I'm still waiting on a reply for that one.
Anyway, I have 'compensation' coming, plus a refund ( which is still wrong and I am on at that them again ) but what I would say is , if you even suspect your tax is wrong; a ) challenge it b) mark any communications 'complaint' and c ) I have direct number and email address of Complaints Department ( could not get through on the general phone, on hold for 4 hours all told ) so if anyone wants those details, please don't hesitate to ask.

Amazing how quickly and efficiently they deal with it if you make your complaint to your MP. It then becomes a parliamentary case and zooms to the top of the list when the MP raises it with them.
I’ve just had a horrible week waiting for my passport to be delivered (or not delivered) from the passport office. The tracker said it had been delivered on Saturday but it wasn’t at my house. Spent the rest of the weekend panicking that it had fallen into the wrong hands. Spent hours on the phone to the passport office etc not knowing what to do, whether to cancel it etc but couldn’t get through. Turned out it had gone back to the depot and finally got it on Tuesday. Kept thinking what it must be like for someone trying to claim benefits etc when they have limited phone or computer access (ie I Daniel Blake). Dealing with government departments is a nightmare. The courier service they use is totally unfit for purpose and the reviews about them are terrifying. People missing holidays, having their identity stolen etc etc. Now in the process of renewing my driving licence (which is what I needed the passport for). In the end I emailed my MP, The Home Office, contacted the TNT media department threatening bad publicity, the police in case I needed a crime number. Even though it eventually arrived I’m still taking it further. No point in having what seems to be an efficient service if it gets totally let down by the last stage which is a delivery service that has a multi million pound contract to safely deliver what is a very important document that is not fit for purpose.
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Amazing how quickly and efficiently they deal with it if you make your complaint to your MP. It then becomes a parliamentary case and zooms to the top of the list when the MP raises it with them.

Well I had already sent a letter with COMPLAINTS across the envelope (could get through on the phone, although they seem to think I did and they have not acted accordingly on the information I gave. I have emailed back saying no idea who you think you spoke to as wasn't me as after 4 hours on hold, I could not bear it any longer ) and finally received an actual answer as opposed to automated issues of tax code notices which were incorrect, which had gone on for 10 months. I was on point of emailing MP, also to complain about petrol prices ( with budget coming up as well ) and then poor David Ames killed and didn't think it was appropriate.
They have not only admitted they have over 'charged' me but also offered an amount in recognition of the 'issues' I have had, although in no way apparently an acknowledgement that they have cocked up. One they can only pay by cheque, the other by BACS only apparently.... I'm on email number 3, communication number 12.
I bought a fairly expensive vacuum cleaner from Dyson just before the thing started last year. A month later the motor blew up and it stopped sucking. (OOoaaarrr Matron!)

Anyway, the longest series of calls started with their call centres, and to be fair, I was quite sympathic and patient initially given that the world had just turned upside down. Then they stared to send spare parts, always the wrong ones, which I returned immediately. Then the door rang one day. A courier stood there asking for my vacuum cleaner, reading from a note saying that Dyson needed it back before they would deal with me. I declined impolitely.

Anyhoo, I followed corporate Dyson on Twatter. Everytime a customer vented on something I had my story ready which I cut and paste into the discussion. Within weeks a brand spanking new vacuum cleaner arrived at my door. Then a week later a second one.

I called and asked for a shipping authorisation to return the second one. Several times. 3 months later they still hadn't responded to many calls/contacts. Then a sad case arose in my neighbourhood, young Dad died, uninsured, single income, four kids. I donated the second machine to a fund raising auction for the family. Some sound soul paid €1800 for it and then donated the spare machine to the poor widow.

Not sure the moral of the story, other than if you think a civil servant cares more about your problem than a well run successful business I think you should lobby Owen Patterson.
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None of the above surprises me. HMRC have cut staff by tens of thousands over recent years (mostly experienced staff) and the above is the absolute shambles! In my day (here we go :rolleyes: )....When I started there were no computers or, even calculators:D , but there was hell to play if a taxpayers letter was not replied to and replied to correctly, within 7 working days. Now, having spent fortunes on consultants and computerisation the department is totally demoralised and shambolic. Pay has declined in real terms since the Sleaze Party has been in power. Staff are treated appallingly but nobody cares or is accountable. And I suspect this is the case in all government departments. And poor old Mr Patterson trousers 1/2 million, yes 1/2 million, for his extra-curricular activities and his mates are appalled at how he`s been treated. Don`t blame our demoralised and under-paid civil servants for the shambles. Instead, direct your letters of complaint direct to your nearest Sleaze Party representative...if he has time from his consultancy work you may get a reply.
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My job took me on audit visits to most of the agricultural paying agencies and customs services of the EU, and I can confirm what Dan says about the demoralisation and deskilling of HMRC. Services in other countries went through efficiency gains and scaling down, but nowhere else was it done with such a degree of malice. In the customs service, the processing of import and declarations was centralised in a single office staffed by people who had no experience. Hundreds of years of tradition, local knowledge and savoir-faire in the various ports and airports around country were replaced by a call centre.