Home Office Fails To Deport Foreign Criminals

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Is it a coincidence that when right wingers run the Home Office the consequences are operational disasters - Howard Straw Blunkett and now Clarke .

The incompetence just beggars belief . Too busy with macho authoritarian posturing to do the job properly . The last Home Secretary to do the job half competently was Douglas Hurd .

I couldn't believe the suggestion that the Immigration and Nationality Directorate was too busy to deal with this - too busy deporting victims of torture to notice the criminals :angy:
I am sure that you are well listened to by those in power, everyone is entitled an opinion though. :lol:
So there was well over 1000 released (all having seen out their sentances I assume) 12 of those murderers and rapists. Leaving 1000 or so. Most probably the pettiest of criminals like the ones who don't have a piece of paper.

I have been mugged, I have been assaulted and if I was much weaker than I am, no doubt some other horrible stuff would have happened to me. None of these crimes have been commited by an 'illegal bogus scummy asylum seeker' but rather white british people.

Call me bleeding hearted but this reeks of another bullshit media driven hate rally. Especially when you consider Sky's second story of ''We the British support the BNP policy of banning ALL immigration, just not under the BNPs name''.
160 of them were recommended for deportation by the judge - that doesn't happen with minor crimes.
What a shambles, reminiscent of Yes, Minister.

Charles Clarke is Jim Hacker, and his senior civil servant, "Sir" Richard Gieve is Sir Humphrey.

Clarke looks like dead meat to me, in the light of what happened last year, and the subsequent inability or unwillingness of him to act.

I must say, I'd always assumed that any foreigner convicted of a serious offence was automatically deported at the end of serving their sentence. Show how much I know!
Hi Ardross

Here's a breakdown of the numbers

1,023 criminals
5 Paedos
7 Sex offenders
57 Violent offenders
2 Murderers
71 serious offenders

41 Burgulars
20 Drug importers
54 Assault-ers
27 Indecents

Total crims above 213
Leaving 810 people with unspecified offences, even with wool over your eyes, you'd have to accept that at least half of those are guilty of not being born in the EU.

Now here's the headline from Sky News
Murderers freed to live in the UK (next to terror arrest and terror video)

The Home Secretary has taken the blame for the release of more than 1,000 foreign prisoners - including murderers, paedophiles and rapists - into the community.
The murderers, paedophiles and rapists account for 14 of those 1023 criminals. That's just about 1.37% of the lot.

But it's worded just so that Joe Tabloid will go on a rant to his mates at work / in the pub which will go along the lines of 'That bloody home secetary has left Britain swarming with all those sick immigrant rapists, kiddy fiddlers and murderers to run havoc in OUR BLOODY COUNTRY! If this isn't a sign that it's time to stop ALL IMMIGRATION then I don't know what is.'

Right next to this story is the poll - BNP: Do They Have A Place In British Politics?

As of typing, 42,440 of the 56,658 votes (74.9%) are for yes.

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting this and perhaps with the upcoming locals, it's merely a topical story but I don't know. Last week, SkyNews ran the Global Warming *world is knee deep and has to act NOW* story as a headline (for all of 2 minuites) so if this was so topical and important then how about giving the Green Party some air time?

At first, I thought I was paranoid and was going off mere inklings when I ventured a 'Britain is slowly turning into a fascist state' thought. But as days tick by, the more and more I want to get out of this horrible horrible country. At this rate, I'll be out of here by the time I'm 30 which is a real shame because the UK has so many things I love about it. But where could I go?
Brave Inca is undoubtedly right that it is as usual whipped up by the media but that does not conceal the fact that over 150 people who were recommended for deportation have simply been released in the UK and not monitored.

Of the other 800 it is true that a significant proportion would not have been deported in any event , e.g petty offenders with UK citizen children.
Just because 150 were 'recommended' for deportation doesn't automatically mean that all of them are worthy of deportation. Of course, 150 authentically serious threats to society (of ANY creed or origin) slipping the net is a serious cock up and warrents media attention.

But that isn't the forefronted issue, rather it's the fact that they were asylum seekers that causes such a stir. Even with the government's own BBC.

A terrible day for objective news and a great day for the BNP.
I haven't seen any report that says that the individuals in question were asylum seekers.
They were human beings who came from far away lands for a better life. That generally constitutes Asylum Seeker.

For the record, I'm aware that like members of every ethnicity, some chose a life which causes great discomfort to others. Also, the fact that they're foreign and poor doesn't exonerate them from being punished for commiting serious offences.
Same old story when Home Office incompetence is discovered this Govt reaches for repression as an excuse.
And now we find out that the scumbag who killed Sharon Beschenevsky should have been deported but it was deemed unsafe to return him to Somalia!!!
'Tis a fair point. If you pillage other countries bravest and brightest, surely you should put up with the rabble as well?
It is as expected Blair's response is not to try and fix the incompetent administrative mess but to reach for the jackboot - they are a disgrace.

The powers are all there that are needed the problem was incompetence not the legislation. They won't get it through Parliament.It is racist and almost certainly will fall foul of the Convention
If any of them have committed crimes against the British public - for example, has one of the rapists raped a woman, man, or child since he's been over here illegally? - then who will pay the compensation? I know the Criminal Injuries Board or whatever it's called (I've forgotten the exact name) recompenses victims, but in the case of illegals committed brutal crimes, or even non-brutal crimes, are they liable to cough up if there's no actual conviction, or BECAUSE the person is in this country illegally, and therefore (by some squirming of the Home Office) is not 'recognized' as far as doling out compensation payments to his victim is concerned?

Just before everyone gets too high-handed about how awful the treatment of illegals is, perhaps you might reflect on whether it was your sister or fiancee being raped, your mother being burgled, or your father being mugged? As for Relkeel's remark - they already HAVE visited their attractions upon their own countrypeople, and because of the ineptitude of this one, are free to visit them upon ours.

Perhaps Clarke, as the man ultimately responsible for the idiocy of his employees, should be sued in a civil action suit by any woman/women attacked, or by the parents of any child/ren ruined by the wayward paedophiles which apparently are wandering around - these are KNOWN offenders, bear in mind, not people who will possibly commit crimes, but people who already have.

How the hell has our 'open door' policy allowed in CONVICTS?

One point, going back to Brave Inca's wild assumption that 'asylum seekers are people in search of a better life' - no, actually, they are not. A real ASYLUM seeker is a person in search of trying to preserve the life they have, which is supposed to be in mortal danger of either death, persecution, unlawful imprisonment, torture, etc. by the country from which they are fleeing.

People merely 'in search of a better life' bog off to places like South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia, as they have done in droves - as EMIGRANTS - since the 1920s onwards. In fact, the Churchillian postwar government positively encouraged British people to leave these shores for those very countries to help build them up with their skills, offering them £10 towards their fares, all of which is highly ironic today.
these criminals need help, by ejecting them form this country is not solving the problem, merely moving it elsewhere. of course we all have different beliefs, mine are those that we should do our utmost to help others in need. by deporting them back to the hell whole they came from is hardly going to make them turn over a new leaf and repent their sins.
:lol: :lol: :lol: How very, very touching. That'll make the rape and child victims feel much better to know that you think these poor, poor men are deserving of your loving kindness and compassion, jft, and heaven forfend that they should be sent back to their countries of origin just because they're the dross of its society, and unfortunately of this one at the moment.

Hell-holes - you have NO idea what their circumstances were, apart from the fact that they're CRIMINALS and have done BAD things to INNOCENT people. I'd suggest the hell-holes are more likely to be the mental states in which they've callously left their victims.
So if a person isn't brought up in a close-knit family they are entitled to be rapists or murderers and that's ok? My arse.