If any of them have committed crimes against the British public - for example, has one of the rapists raped a woman, man, or child since he's been over here illegally? - then who will pay the compensation? I know the Criminal Injuries Board or whatever it's called (I've forgotten the exact name) recompenses victims, but in the case of illegals committed brutal crimes, or even non-brutal crimes, are they liable to cough up if there's no actual conviction, or BECAUSE the person is in this country illegally, and therefore (by some squirming of the Home Office) is not 'recognized' as far as doling out compensation payments to his victim is concerned?
Just before everyone gets too high-handed about how awful the treatment of illegals is, perhaps you might reflect on whether it was your sister or fiancee being raped, your mother being burgled, or your father being mugged? As for Relkeel's remark - they already HAVE visited their attractions upon their own countrypeople, and because of the ineptitude of this one, are free to visit them upon ours.
Perhaps Clarke, as the man ultimately responsible for the idiocy of his employees, should be sued in a civil action suit by any woman/women attacked, or by the parents of any child/ren ruined by the wayward paedophiles which apparently are wandering around - these are KNOWN offenders, bear in mind, not people who will possibly commit crimes, but people who already have.
How the hell has our 'open door' policy allowed in CONVICTS?
One point, going back to Brave Inca's wild assumption that 'asylum seekers are people in search of a better life' - no, actually, they are not. A real ASYLUM seeker is a person in search of trying to preserve the life they have, which is supposed to be in mortal danger of either death, persecution, unlawful imprisonment, torture, etc. by the country from which they are fleeing.
People merely 'in search of a better life' bog off to places like South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia, as they have done in droves - as EMIGRANTS - since the 1920s onwards. In fact, the Churchillian postwar government positively encouraged British people to leave these shores for those very countries to help build them up with their skills, offering them £10 towards their fares, all of which is highly ironic today.