Hong Kong Festival

Originally posted by Galileo@Dec 10 2007, 06:38 PM

The idea that O'Brien is some lap dog to Magnier and co is laughable as is the idea that Magnier and co blindly over rule O'Brien knowing what a horse man he is.
He who pays the piper calls the tune surely? - it's not a matter of being anyone's lapdog, but Ballydoyle are there principally to service the breeding ambitions of Coolmore aren't they - though it must be a two way thing to some extent.

I'd imagine the principal horses' campaigns are set out in agreement in advance of the season, and adhered to so far as possible, with their breeding and esp stallion prospects in mind; and the operation is global. No doubt Magnier and his co-investors take a lot of advice from AOB as to how the horses are campaigned, but finally the decisions must be theirs.

I'd be truly amazed if AOB was given carte blanche to make the entries! And I'd prefer to think he wouldn't have put GW through that hell at Monmouth, given the choice. Call me sentimental, but I would like to believe AOB cares more for his horses than that. Or to run a patently unfit DT in Hong Kong, just because he happened to have fetched up there!
Obviously the owner has the final say in the matter….thats the case with virtually every yard but there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that O’Brien did not want to run Dylan Thomas in Monmouth and Hong Kong or indeed George Washington in the Classic. Equally I am sure Magnier and co were just as gutted as O’Brien at the loss of George…..of course they are business men but they also love the sport and horses they are involved with.