Shads, I've looked up 'migraine' in 'Let's Get Well' by the late American nutritionist Adelle Davis, who was a leading researcher into vitamin deficiencies some years ago, and whose books have stood the test of time. Now, this may not apply to you, but for others who suffer these crippling events, I'm putting up what she's written, in case it is of help:
HEADACHES Certainly a person with a headache is in no mood for sex. :blink: Yet persistent headaches have been quickly produced in volunteers deficient in either VITAMIN B6 or Pantothenic Acid; usually relief came soon after the missing vitamin was given, but in one case they persisted for 6 weeks after the experiment terminated. IRON DEFICIENCY with or without anemia causes headaches, which clear up when IRON is adequate. The headaches preceding or accompanying menstruation are usually relieved by CALCIUM and VITAMIN D. Both Vitamins B1 and B12 have also helped headaches, including migraines.
LOW BLOOD SUGAR is another frequent cause. For example, 35 migraine sufferers, each studied by electroencephalograms for 5 hours during severe headaches, all had low blood sugar; and the lower the blood sugar dropped, the more severe the headaches became. Their headaches were present on awakening, when the blood sugar is particularly low, and invariably occurred after little had been eaten the night before. A HIGH PROTEN DIET devoid of sweets, and A SNACK before retiring brought permanent relief. Such a finding indicates that taking POTASSIUM CHLORIDE tablets may be far more helpful than aspirin.
Headaches associated with both low blood sugar and low blood pressure are particularly common after PROLONGED STRESS. In this case, the adrenals are so exhausted that salt (sodium) is lost from the body. Taking 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and soda in a little water to replace the urinary loss can often bring quick relief, but frequent meals and an anti-stress program (which she details in the book) should be followed carefully to prevent further difficulty. Headaches of a PSYCHOSOMATIC ORIGIN appear to be of this variety.
The unrelenting stress of suppressed, unconscious anger is a frequent cause of headaches. Totally without realizing it, the sufferer turns upon himself in a primitive, unconscious desire to bash in someone's head, thus hurting his own head instead. If anger can be expressed harmlessly, such headaches frequently disappear. A friend who had suffered from migraines for years was told by her physician to take up tennis as a means of blowing off steam; she not only got rid of her headaches, but also became a champion.
Dom, don't forget that alcohol utterly robs the body of whatever vitamins are taken in with normal meals. If you're working busy, long hours, then 'relaxing' with a fair slurp in the evenings, you may be deficient in the B vitamins, so I'd recommend getting yourself a really good multivitamin/mineral combined supplement, to be taken with meals if possible, ensuring you get around six small mini-meals (which later in the book she says were far better in the management of many ailments than the usual two a day most folks take), and adding a further separate B vitamin tablet which gives you 100% of your daily B1, B6 and B12 needs. While none of this may completely stop the migraines, it should help to reduce the frequency and to lower the severity. Worth trying a small, natural, lifestyle change?