How much of a mess is the UK in?


Jul 5, 2022
I've personally never felt or have seen this country in a such a mess. I hate the tories since I lived through the miners strike on a miners estate in the 80s.

I feel though that even that oppression was preferable to the utter incompetence of this, probably the worst government ever.

I doubt I will ever see things get better now, and I do not think Labour will do a lot better.

Is it possible we now have the worst politicians on both sides we have ever seen?
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Economic growth seems to be the operative word for both main parties more so than ever before.

Ken Clarke made the point on LBC the other day that growth has been stagnant pretty much since the 2008 financial crisis and factually I think he is right. We have become like Japan in terms of growth.

The human cost is enormous. People on waiting lists for months if not years for life saving operations like my mum.

I don't think Harry Houdini could win the Tories the next election even if people don't warm to Starmer very much. They may come back of course and it may get a bit closer than recent Labour poll leads but I still think Labour should win next year.
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Yes, and the most corrupt.

The UK government is all about syphoning money off to the uber-rich and fvcking everybody else.

And it looks like half the Scottish government are going to end up in jail on corruption charges.

The last three weeks here in Spain have hammered home how awful our country (UK) has become. Here, train travel is cheap as chips, clean and reliable, presumably because the money is being reinvested in a proper service. Here in Fuengirola the local bus from town along the road parallel to the front as far as Carvajal is FREE. The initiative started earlier this year and will run indefinitely as part of a local authority investment programme. There is a huge variety of well-stocked shops, so unlike our shopping centres which are all charity shops, bookies, pawnbrokers and Starbucks.

It has really hammered home how dreadful our country is. I really don't want to come back but have to for other reasons.
We don't want to be like those Johnny Foreigners, we got our sovereignty back!

The referendum scuppered any plans that I had to retire somewhere warmer and it has been downhill ever since. Corruption is rife from top to bottom, it is every man for himself.

I don't pretend to know the answer but it sickens me to see this country creeping towards fascism.
The answer is,imo - scrap party politics altogether, and allow MP's et al to do what they're paid for, and work for their constituents and their country, with eyes only on their own re-election.
Straightforward way to improve UK governance, imvho.
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Not that it affects me because I am finacially ok but did any of you know that if your retire to Australia, Canada,
South Africa, New Zealand, Thailand India, and even the Falkland Islands your pension is frozen.

At the last count over 500,000 expats who like everyother working person religiously paid their National Insurance Stamps. used their money for things like giving emigrants handouts for 50 years.

Their reward was to be outcast and told while everyone else gets rise to coincide with anual inflation they were told you will get NOTHING>

This has gone on for years but the British people who don't give a **** about anyone else but themselves just turn a blind eye to it.

If the Gov of Sweden or Switzerland treated OPA's like the UK do they people would take to the streets and be up in arms.

The worst case is that of Albert Johnson, a 103-year-old veteran of World War II, and his 95-year-old wife who now live ona pitance.

If it remains the same anyone depending ona pension will barely be able to feed themselves in 20 years if they live that long.

An attept to take the UK Gov. to task in the high court failed when the jusge stated it was a political one, not a judicial one.
What a cop out it should be the humane thing to do not based on some stupid man made law

Appeals fell flat and the most sickening thing "Charity begins at Home" has no place in the minds of sick ******* non caring politicians who have allowed this to continue.

I have seen what real poverty is like and how other people go out of their way to help because here they care about one another especially the old.
A Dutch freind who didn't have any savings died here in January and we decidied we should chip in and give him a decent send off.
Before we could the entire village turned out giving 20-100baht of their hard earned cash as donations to pay for his funeral with food and drink for everyone.

People here really care about each other especially the poor and the elderly. One of the reasons why I would never return to the UK.
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