I got St Jude

Saint Thomas

Ferociously intelligent and streetwise, you don’t take any nonsense from anybody and aren’t afraid to call people out on their BS. Some might call you argumentative, but you know what you want and you’re not afraid to ask for it.
Doubting Thomas you are definitely not, PJ. Not where the Fly is concerned at any rate.
I got St James the Lesser

Introverted and calm, with a tendency towards quietness, you’re the type of person that everyone wants to be around because of your comforting presence. You’re sweet and caring and a source of strength to everyone lucky enough to know you.

I'm not sure how much of that is true, but I'm happy enough with it.
St James

You’re a thinker of deep thoughts and a sensitive soul continuously focused on improving yourself and the world around you. An introvert and a wanderer at heart, you’re happiest on the road or planning your next big adventure. You don’t care about material possessions, preferring to spend money on experiences rather than things
I'm Saint Simon... Slightly obsessive, passionate and I can't remember the rest...

"The Eastern Orthodox Church tradition holds that it was Simon's wedding that Christ and his disciples attended in Cana of Galilee in which Christ turned water in six stone jars to wine. He is called zealot because in seeing this miracle, Simon left his home, his parents and his bride and followed Christ." (Wikipedia)

He probably thought he'd never go thirsty