Colin Phillips
At the Start
I have become totally disenchanted with politics and politicians (and that's putting it politely).
Now, I have always had it drilled into me, by my father, to always use my vote, that people had died to ensure that I had that right to vote, and ever since my daughters have been old enough to think about politics I have drummed that same mantra into them.
I find these days that all, or at least the great majority, of political parties and politicians are self-serving lying toss-pots and haven't got a worthwhile principle between the lot of them.
Brought up in the mining valleys of South Wales my background is very definitely working-class and I have always been a socialist, what a surprise!?!?
Which of the political parties should I vote for, do any of them believe they can win votes with policies that benefit the working-class (does anyone believe they are working-class these days?) or are they likely to stick with safe non-vote-losing policies?
I have believed for some time that the way forward was "proportional representation", something that was never going to be embraced by the two main parties who have long-benefited from the first-past-the-post system. The Lib-Dems say that they would introduce such a system IF they were ever elected but I have so little faith in what any politician says that I have my doubts that they would stick to that idea.
Am I in a minority with these feelings or do you think that if there was a box on the ballot paper for none-of-the-above that we would have a country goverened by the NONE-OF-THE-ABOVE Party?
Sorry about the rant but I am a little depressed this morning.
Now, I have always had it drilled into me, by my father, to always use my vote, that people had died to ensure that I had that right to vote, and ever since my daughters have been old enough to think about politics I have drummed that same mantra into them.
I find these days that all, or at least the great majority, of political parties and politicians are self-serving lying toss-pots and haven't got a worthwhile principle between the lot of them.
Brought up in the mining valleys of South Wales my background is very definitely working-class and I have always been a socialist, what a surprise!?!?
Which of the political parties should I vote for, do any of them believe they can win votes with policies that benefit the working-class (does anyone believe they are working-class these days?) or are they likely to stick with safe non-vote-losing policies?
I have believed for some time that the way forward was "proportional representation", something that was never going to be embraced by the two main parties who have long-benefited from the first-past-the-post system. The Lib-Dems say that they would introduce such a system IF they were ever elected but I have so little faith in what any politician says that I have my doubts that they would stick to that idea.
Am I in a minority with these feelings or do you think that if there was a box on the ballot paper for none-of-the-above that we would have a country goverened by the NONE-OF-THE-ABOVE Party?
Sorry about the rant but I am a little depressed this morning.