Inglis Drever Retirement

only negative is johnson with all yes, no, maybe, today, tomorrow, etc etc. horse had a serious injury and was never going to make it back. why not say so straight away?
There is no negative crazyhorse. Johnson has been very open about ID, saying unless he was 100%, he wouldn't be risked.

Seriously, what has he done wrong?
well, negative might be too strong a word then. I do not want to sound picky etc but this was clearly a case where the trainer said far too much, or the press made wrong things out of it. for example only a couple of days ago johnson said "ID was sound as a bell" - well, I am not a native speaker but in my translation that does mean healthy, when he isnt. he too said after the injury occured akin to "its nothing serious and not life-threadning, but he will need 6 weeks boxrest" . Now in my book any injury that requires 6 weeks total boxrest is no joke, and b**** serious. if you know where I come from .... ?

I admire the horse and this is clearly the right descision, so no discussion in that respect.
I hope Drever's alright - all this "wouldn't let Ginny get on him" doesnt sound like him at all.

Yes, I'd say he's the best stayer of the past decade - I'd have him over Baracouda any day.
I am glad he is retired too as would not want him to break down on the track. But I am sad also, will truly miss him and just feel that he did not get as much recognition from the press as he should have.

But he sure did on that long walk in at the Festival last year,the shouting and applause was loud and sustained for many minutes.

For me he had it all, looks, talent, guts and character. :)
CH - there's no set definition of 'serious' and I think he could be excused for considering 'serious' to mean 'career-ending', especially as he spoke about it in the same breath as making clear that the horse's life wasn't in danger. He may have feared the latter, at which point '6 weeks boxrest' must have sounded like a good result.
I think in 10, 20 years time people will still look back and remember ID as a fantastic horse, but as someone said previously i don't think he was given all the credit that his talent was due.
Perhaps the best thing about Inglis Drever retiring is not having to see that awful groom hog the limelight.


Great fan of Inglis Drever, I remember arguing on here that connections should train him as a stayer rather than trying to make him into a Champion Hurdler (mind you that was around the time of my obsession for Back In Front for the same race), but at his best Baracouda was a mighty stayer. The mightiest I have seen.

SteveM how did you rate Baracouda?:)
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I think in 10, 20 years time people will still look back and remember ID as a fantastic horse, but as someone said previously i don't think he was given all the credit that his talent was due.
He hasn't had the credit he deserved but that's in part due to his capitulation everytime they took him to Aintree.

FWIW I think that Baracouda was a better staying hurdler but ID isn't far behind.
Perhaps the best thing about Inglis Drever retiring is not having to see that awful groom hog the limelight.

I couldn't agree more. In fairness to her, Ginny is mad as a box of frogs, but her antics have been increasingly annoying; all a case of "look at me! Me! Me! Loooook at Meeee!" Her behaviour in the winners enclosure at The Festival this year beggared belief - to attract attention to herself she threw both arms up in the air, pretty much smacking Drever in the face. I hope she got the bollocking she deserved for that - I know plenty of travelling head lads, assistants and trainers who would have a lad's guts for garters doing something like that.

She only looked after him for the last couple of years anyway, another girl looked after him before that from the time he arrived at Howard's.
Great to see him retired fit and well. Loved seeing him race, toughness and character.
Agree with what's been said before, the noise at Cheltenham last season was amazing.

Thanks for the memories.

I see a fifth day coming up and the Inglis Drever Commemorative Trophy Conditional Jockeys Mares Only Novices Handicap Hurdle (Final) (3m 3 1/2f).
Crazy horse totally disagree with you there sorry. Howard desparatly wanted the horse to race again and he gave him every chance to do that. In fact the injury wasn't "that bad" I know girls from the yard and they said had it been any other horse he would have raced again. 6 weeks boxrest isn't so much of a bad injury, my friends horse has just finished 5 weeks for having an infection in a joint!!

Im sad that we won't get to see him again, I was going to go to Cheltenham for the stayers 2008 but due to weather problems didn't bother and bloody wish I had now! Watched it in our local (we're about 10 miles from howards) so hes our local hero and the lads who had backed other horses in the race got some stick, but even they were cheering him on the cheers and singing after the race was incredible and something I wll never forget.

What a horse! I hope Graham Wylie can get him retrained and look forward to seeing him in Scotnorth!!!