Inter-Forum Royal Ascot Competition - Wednesday's Selection

Griffin = £0.00
Ardross = £0.00
Diminuendo = £700.00
PDJ = £1187.50
Crucifix = £0.00
Minsterman = £1650.00
OH Racing
Chris Verner = £1650.00
Retroneous = £1650.00
Wyncrg = £975.00
Brian The Messiah = £0.00
The Duke = £0.00
Michael = £0.00
Talking Horses A
Mr Russell = £0.00
EC1 = £1375.00
Krizon = £0.00
Loosehead =£550.00
Pricewise2008 = £875.00
Steve M = £0.00
Talking Horses B
Flame = £0.00
Steve T = £3500.00
Irish Stamp = £0.00
Euronymous = £0.00
Hamm = £0.00
Kauto = £0.00
Final Furlong A
Katarina = £0.00
Handicapper = £2100.00
Louise = £0.00
Keith = £1375.00
Crazyjoe = £1906.25
Simon = £2750.00
Final Furlong B
Ray H = £550.00
Andy = £550.00
The Cardiffian = £875.00
JinnyJ = £0.00
Ted = £2675.00
Happy Hippy = £0.00

Highest Score of the day = Steve M Talking Horses B 5 Points
Runner up =Simon Final Furlong A 3 Points
Final Furlong A = 0 - 5 - 0 - 6 - 5 - 6 = 25 Points
Final Furlong B = 5 - 2 - 5 - 0 - 6 - 0 = 18 Points
OH Racing = 6 - 4 - 6 - 0 - 0 -0 = 16 Points
Atacanta = 0 - 0 - 4 - 5 - 0 - 5 = 14 Points
Talking Horses A = 0 - 3 - 0 - 4 - 4 - 0 = 11 Points
Talking Horses B = 0 - 6 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 = 11 Points

Leaderboard after Day 2
Final Furlong A = 43 Points
Final Furlong B = 39 Points
OH Racing = 38 Points
Atacanta = 37 Points
Talking Horses = 34 Points
Talking Horses B = 28 Points
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it was Steve T with highest ...Ted..well done Steve:cool:

i'm liking that leaderboard btw..not

eat it :lol:

we can still come back

thanks to Simon & Ted again for work put in here
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I've dropped to Banded class, and probably ought to have the vet humanely put me to sleep... shocking form. Sorry, THers, I'm absolute dross at the mo. Big thanks to Simon and Tedster for the hard work, too.
Anybody mind if I put up my selections for tomorrow?? The "Internet Police" are out in force at work, getting harder to post during working hours:mad:

Thursday's picks

5.0 Fencing Master £200 e/w

5.35 Berling £600 win