At the Start
Now all you highly knowledgeable Irish political students (and Gearoid), could you please advise me on whether there's any value in the spread markets for seats (buying or selling):
Fianna Fáil.....68 - 69.5
Fine Gael.....47 - 48.5
Labour.....18 - 19
Sinn Féin.....10 - 11
Green Party.....9.5 - 10.5
Independents.....6 - 7
Progressive Democrats.....2.75 - 3.25
Seat supremacy for Fianna Fáil.....17 - 19
Fianna Fáil.....68 - 69.5
Fine Gael.....47 - 48.5
Labour.....18 - 19
Sinn Féin.....10 - 11
Green Party.....9.5 - 10.5
Independents.....6 - 7
Progressive Democrats.....2.75 - 3.25
Seat supremacy for Fianna Fáil.....17 - 19