Irish Grand National

Originally posted by Diminuendo@Apr 9 2007, 10:15 AM
I know how disappointed Noel Chance was when he got done on the line at Cheltenham.
He wasn't the only one! Like suny, however, I'm not sure if he'll last out at the likely fast pace. I like him but for today, from the English entries, I prefer Cloudy Lane and Nine De Sivola who was travelling like a winner when he came down last time. Both look certain to stay the trip.
Of the Irish, King's Advocate, as has been pointed out earlier, looks on a handy weight. Down amongst the overweights, if Oulart jumps properly he would be on a par with A New Story.

King's Advocate and Cloudy Lane against the field for me.
Kings Advocate and Patsy Hall for me. Kerryhead Windfarm at 40/1 for five places is interesting. Gazza's Girl the only other I can see with a big shout.
Whyso Mayo with a professional jock would have been very interesting - not convinced about him with current pilot but hope to be proved wrong...

Along with Well Tutored that's my short shortlist - respect all the English runners greatly - while I like Cheeky Lady from those out of the handicap. Don't think she has that much to find with Cloudy Lane and she was staying on at the finish at Cheltenham so the extra five furlongs should give her a squeak
I'm not betting, but watching for fun: I'm hoping that BUTLER'S CABIN will go very well with 10.4 and that OULART with his tiny Flat race weight, should also put in an excellent performance, as long as he doesn't clout anything too hard. Whatever, it's a great line-up and one to really enjoy.
I've had a few quid E/W on A NEW STORY. 5 places at PP. Also CLOUDY LANE win, just fun bets really though, hard to be confident about anything in the race.
Originally posted by Bobbyjo@Apr 9 2007, 01:37 PM
Whyso Mayo with a professional jock would have been very interesting - not convinced about him with current pilot but hope to be proved wrong...

Along with Well Tutored that's my short shortlist - respect all the English runners greatly - while I like Cheeky Lady from those out of the handicap. Don't think she has that much to find with Cloudy Lane and she was staying on at the finish at Cheltenham so the extra five furlongs should give her a squeak
Have to agree with Bobbyjo about Whyso . It's his tendency to make a race losing mistake that is the worry with Whyso- surely he would have won the Foxhunters but for that Horlicks he made of the last and that terrible mistake at the second.

King's Advocate I was disappointed with at Chelters though the longer trip may help .

Shall be rooting for Juveigneur.
I feel like Aldaniti here but I hope all in behind are ok. The winner did that nicely and is a credit to Jonjo's training abilities.
Well done to Krizon for choosing - shame you did not back and I did not listen!

Also to Brian and Archie for saying Nine De Sivola.

Hope all okay too .....
I fear for Cheeky Lady - a horse I had fun backing this season - who took a horrible looking fall. Hope it was just being winded that kept her down but I didn't like the angle of the fall..

Think all the others got up ok though. Good winner and a good race - plenty of them in a bunch to keep the handicapper satisfied. All the top weights were wiped out though.

BTW An Capall think you're being very harsh on TOH - don't understand why RTE can't put cameras down the back straight which would make things so much easier for all concerned.
No, Tout Seul, it's always a big :D when the darling horses come in, even without a sou down! I don't have the courage to bet as I should. I'm very pleased for the dear horse after his virtual collapse at Cheltenham, never doubted him this time, as I did then (traitorously). Just hope for good news for all the fallers in that horrid F and BD incident. Jockeys everywhere - looked like the Somme, so best wishes for them.

Very nice e/w call with NINE DE SIVOLA, too.

I think Tony O'Hehir has learned at Dessie Scahill's knee, I'm afraid: start with the horse at the front, reel them off to the back, missing any action in between. Go back to the front (by which time it could've changed three times by then) and reel them off again. I think it's called the Class Register school of racecalling - it's about as exciting. Just seen Bobbyjo's defence: well, that would HELP, of course - that sudden fast panning doesn't help anyone track their selections. Hope CHEEKY LADY's all right, bless her - she was running such a good race.
I take that point BJ - but he doesn't transmit any excitement - even in other races that are easier to call. It's very monotone.
Originally posted by an capall@Apr 9 2007, 04:08 PM
Is Tony O Hehir the worst commentator ever?
Cattermole missed a horse pulling up in a five runner race last week at Kempton - that was quite unbelievable . He is overrated as he is " personable "

I was disappointed that TOH did not notice horses dropping back e.g Juveigneur though.
Someone managed to say today that 'the leader is now out in front', possibly Ian Bartlett, so maybe we shouldn't be too cruel, but Dessie and Tony make Irish racing seem as fascinating as watching your laundry tumble-dry.

Ah, Gareth O'Brien's just said that the news on all fallers so far, bar knowledge of CHEEKY LADY, are okay. Says they'll bring news on her asap. Jockeys are all right. Fingers x'd for a lovely, genuine girl.
Cheeky Lady broke her back - so no good news there - very sad to lose another good mare so shortly after Celestial Wave

I know whatcha mean about TOH An - it's probably a fair point - actually think Jerry Hannon at Cork today is actually not too bad. He certainly is transmitting some excitement into the finishes anyway!
I'll revise that about CHEEKY LADY, then, as Gareth O'Brien gave a sad update which corrected 'everything else okay'. Dobbo to miss Aintree's rides, and CHEEKY LADY is no more.
I backed Nine de Sivola but win only on Betfair as I didn't have time to get down bookies as we had people here cry cry cry - great rides by both AP and Graham Lee though.