ISIS...Islamic State Victims


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
Amputations, Rape, Crucifixion, Beheading, Shooting....Buy one get one free!!.....Discuss here!!!

Not expecting many responses though :whistle:
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Spot on harry but you have to remember they are not jewish. Be fair now.

And of course would be interesting to hear from those posters who consider all western intervention evil
Clearly, IS should be terminated with extreme prejudice......hopefully in as creatively painful, humiliating and drawn-out a manner as possible.

These fu*ckers want to take us back to the stone-age, so let's use stone-age punishment on them.

Clive, I know it's a big ask, but please do try to stop being a t*it. :cool:
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Spot on harry but you have to remember they are not jewish. Be fair now.

And of course would be interesting to hear from those posters who consider all western intervention evil

what makes you think everyone is anti Jewish?..a bizarre statement imo..even more bizarre is your assertion that the all Lefties hate Jews...last time i looked it was opposite end of spectrum that wiped out 6 mill of them.

i'll support Grassys post in full

why anyone thinks that behaviour like that will be excused because of religion nationality a bit odd imo
Not the opposite end. The far left and facist far right are very close in belief. There is very little difference between the two.

Harry's point is spot on. And it's not coincidence.

Lets see if the left will be protesting outside various embassies of countries supporting isis? As they did outside Sudanese and Sri Lankan embassies. Did they fck
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Clearly, IS should be terminated with extreme prejudice......hopefully in as creatively painful, humiliating and drawn-out a manner as possible.

These fu*ckers want to take us back to the stone-age, so let's use stone-age punishment on them.

Clive, I know it's a big ask, but please do try to stop being a t*it. :cool:

Who is backing them though? Is it Qatar again?
which point is spot on?...why shouldn't there be replies to the thread?

you have some strange generalistic outlooks on life Clive..everyone is in a category..jew hater..leftie..oh no..they both same aren't they?

tbh..if anyone supports this scum then there is no hope left.

it really shoudn't be a long thread..unless of course someone comes on like you did on other thread trying to defend cowardly people..using cowardly actions when the the manly thing to do was fight.
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Tell me why that the left ONLY protests about israel?

Maybe usa too. Granted

answer anyone???
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I thought they were basically trying to target a bunch of jihadists about the slaughter a group of women and children near a mountain in the desert?
I can only speak for myself. I do not object to the action or have any stipulations.
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There are those who believe all intervention is wrong. Let them speak for themselves but it has been stated by posters that american and british (singled out as such) action always makes things worse

isis are filth. But they have backers
When these heroes return to their UK "homeland" from fighting with their brothers, will we see more of the Lee Rigby type incidents?

We're those 2 guys just in the wrong country? That seems to be a normal days work for IS "fighters" now!
When these heroes return to their UK "homeland" from fighting with their brothers, will we see more of the Lee Rigby type incidents?

We're those 2 guys just in the wrong country? That seems to be a normal days work for IS "fighters" now!

They can come back

in a bin bag
Im sure there will be many anti ISIS protests up and down the country today by our Islamic communities.
There are those who believe all intervention is wrong. Let them speak for themselves but it has been stated by posters that american and british (singled out as such) action always makes things worse

isis are filth. But they have backers

I presume you are referring to something I once said, which I stand by:

Anywhere the US and British armies have been they have ended up by abusing, shooting, bombing, arresting and torturing people they were supposedly helping. They also end up trying to bribe, arm, feed and aid elements they were originally supposed to be opposing. It's what unavoidably happens when you send officers and soldiers into situations they don't understand sufficiently.

Experience shows that when armies are introduced into complex political situations without proper intelligence and a proper mandate, even when starting off with good intentions, things usually start going wrong pretty quickly. Armies, whether British, American, Russian or any other nationality, can't help it when they get sent in to be power brokers in complex situations and know nothing of local issues and subtleties. The US and British armies have been involved in more such situations than any other army in recent times, which is why I was referring to them specifically.

ISIS are a nightmare development, truly a step back into darker times and I am glad that action is being taken to save tens of thousands of people from their clutches.

Longer term, though, how to deal with them? What do we know about these people? I don't believe western intelligence services foresaw their emergence. How strong are they? Who is funding them, what support have they on the ground, do they have allies?

Intervention without reliable answers to these questions won't work. After all the very fact of IS's existence is an unintended consequence of Blair and Bush's bungled intervention.