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ISIS...Islamic State Victims

"Churchill was right" can I ask you whether or not Churchill had anthrax weapons (germ warfare weapon) ready to be deployed against an invasion from nazi Germany?

this is beyond stupid

i said that churchill was right about democracy .....not anthrax

every post here now is and endless stream of... no i didnt say that

i think that is where a line should be drawn.. enough
an I ask you whether or not Churchill had anthrax weapons (germ warfare weapon) ready to be deployed against an invasion from nazi Germany?

i saw something about this..did they store them in slate mines somewhere..in Wales?

its definitely a fact we had them..even if location is wrong

I know they polluted the island of Gruinard on The Minsh for ever with that gear. Dunno about Wales.
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jesus christ

its a sense of perspective . is that difficult to understand

posters should quote directly or not post at all. got it?

i never used to phrase "nothing to fear". You could not claim that there is nothing to fear about crossing the road or getting on a plane. Understood?

of course there is a threat and a lot to worry about but barmy overreaction (bringing in north korea?????. wtf?) is just that. Barmy

and there is far more chance of being killed crossing the road than by isis

must admit i am way too busy with work for this. if i wanted to be a teacher in a class full of divs and windowlickers i would have chosen that fcking career

Clearly your loss is the teaching professions gain

Allow me to give you a basic lesson. If someone is using quotation marks, then they are quoting you (I didn't use quotation marks). If they aren't doing, then they're paraphrasing you. If you believe that the person concerned has altered the quotation, and especially so to wantonly misrepresent you, then you have a grievance, and you are quite right to challenge it. If you think the context is wrong (as you suggest mine with Churchill is) then you might have a grievance, albeit in this case I used it as a linking piece for the benefit of flow and presentation

As regards North Korea, the reference would have been lost on you, but I might as well explain it. One of the leading research scientists in this field of human molecular germ warfare is from Japan (or was from Japan). About 15 years ago it was reported that the Chinese succeeded in obtaining some of the work through espionage. There has long been a suggestion associated with this that they developed a variant of this weapon capable of attacking and killing white people. The scientist concerned is alleged to have gone missing, with fingers pointing at Chinese or North Korean agents as kidnapping them. There is a theory (I'm not going to try and pass judgement on it, as frankly I don't know) that the North Koreans might have some weapons capabiliity in this field? If they have, then they would need factoring into any scenario in much the same way as the Pakistani nuclear arsenal would
i think that is where a line should be drawn.. enough

But Clive .... you are the life source of this thread, and we really must reach 1000 posts before we give it up. Everyone else is broadly in agreement and arguing over minutaie. It's only you who thinks that western foreign policy has been correct since about 2003 onwards, without you we'd all wither away
That's a mutation theory Clive, save it for another day, but the idea of genetically modifying behaviours through the introduction of non indigenous alien DNA types is an interesting concept. I quite liked mine which involved the body hosting the virus to maintain a minimum alcohol level in it's blood stream in order to send the virus dormant. Should the person drop below this level then it triggers an attack command
But Clive .... you are the life source of this thread, and we really must reach 1000 posts before we give it up. Everyone else is broadly in agreement and arguing over minutaie. It's only you who thinks that western foreign policy has been correct since about 2003 onwards, without you we'd all wither away

Well those posting regularly are broadly in agreement but we can argue about what ifs for ever.

no countries forgein policy anywhere in the world has been 100% right at any time. And that includes those that sit on their hands. Donald Rumsfelds great quote about unknowns is probably the best summary of any nations position at any one time.
That's a mutation theory Clive, save it for another day, but the idea of genetically modifying behaviours through the introduction of non indigenous alien DNA types is an interesting concept. I quite liked mine which involved the body hosting the virus to maintain a minimum alcohol level in it's blood stream in order to send the virus dormant. Should the person drop below this level then it triggers an attack command

so long as it stops that bloody singing
Donald Rumsfelds great quote about unknowns is probably the best summary of any nations position at any one time.

If by "great quote" you mean "retarded fu*cking gibberish intended to mask the fact he didn't have the first fu*cking clue what he was doing" then you're right.
No. For those that can put aside anti American bias and problems with someone who is a very long way from being a retard, it is easy to understand why it is a perfect summary.

Just pretend that Stalin had made it and then you would be fine
This is the same cretin who stood by and allowed Iraqi antiquities to be looted from museums, then wondered aloud why people were getting "so worked-up about a few vases".

He is an intellectual and moral pygmy......but if I pretended it was you instead, I'd be fine with it. ;)
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In the aftermath of 9/11 George Bush looked a bit bewildered and called the attackers "folks". A few days later he'd been armed with Karl Rove soundbites and declared "War on Terror" and introduced us to a rather selective and ill thought out "Axis of Evil" which would then form the fulcrum of his foreign policy. After seven years on the job Barrack Obama has finally decided he's at "War on those perverting Islam". Not really sure this is going to scan so well? I mean it's not very catchy is it? Apart from anything else, it's sure to be lampooned. America declares "War on Perverts"

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I haven't looked into this thread for a while and I'm kicking myself for missing some of Clive's comedy gold. Never in my life has such a serious person made me laugh so hard.
I'd advise you to read the article EC linked Maruco. It's a weighty contribution, but well worth it. One of the few things we all seem to agree on is that we feel better informed having waded through it (all that is except Clive, but then the substance of the article contradicts him so he couldn't agree with it really) and in fairness, if it weren't for Clive we'd be a little lost having to stir up contrived arguments over the detail instead
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I haven't looked into this thread for a while and I'm kicking myself for missing some of Clive's comedy gold. Never in my life has such a serious person made me laugh so hard.

Good for you

ButI think that its neatly interpreted as having nothing to say, nothing to add and being too gutless/thick to front up? Or given that what you do post is drearily bland, you could have posted thousands and no one would have noticed

Although I will credit you for your long contribution to a baiting/ trolling thread.

Bit of a wnker aren't you?
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One Michael Heseltine agreeing with your position on bringing in Russia as an ally against Islamist threats, Warbler.

I say Islamist threats which is a bit vague but you get my drift I hope.

He see's the threat of ISIS etc as Europe's biggest challenge, and disagreed with Michael Fallon over his comments on Russia.
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Good for you

ButI think that its neatly interpreted as having nothing to say, nothing to add and being too gutless/thick to front up? Or given that what you do post is drearily bland, you could have posted thousands and no one would have noticed

Although I will credit you for your long contribution to a baiting/ trolling thread.

Bit of a wnker aren't you?

it was meant as a compliment, as I find your writing style amusing, but hey ho.

Thanks for the kind words though, they were clearly heartfelt.
I'd advise you to read the article
Something else that struck me from reading the article was how it seems to me that the Caliph -- al-Baghdadi -- is as much a captive of the "system" as is his lowliest follower.
He has to fight jihad at least once a year; continue to expand the caliphate; follow the strictures of the ancient texts ( beheadings etc) to the letter. Failure to do so can result in him himself being overthrown by the "faithful".
It is truly a horrendous system in which everyone involved with it is locked into a brutal mediaeval narrative which can only feed global tumult, hatred for other creeds and races, and never-ending war.
Something else that struck me from reading the article was how it seems to me that the Caliph -- al-Baghdadi -- is as much a captive of the "system" as is his lowliest follower.
He has to fight jihad at least once a year; continue to expand the caliphate; follow the strictures of the ancient texts ( beheadings etc) to the letter. Failure to do so can result in him himself being overthrown by the "faithful".
It is truly a horrendous system in which everyone involved with it is locked into a brutal mediaeval narrative which can only feed global tumult, hatred for other creeds and races, and never-ending war.

Spot on.
the beheadings etc are carried out supposedly in defence..not offense..which is being ignored here.

if done not in defence..its not following the exact word at all..its leaving bits out..so is not mainstream..but a sect who want to use it for violence..there are also bits in the bible you can pick out of context in the same way

thats where i disagree with the article from the other day
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One Michael Heseltine agreeing with your position on bringing in Russia as an ally against Islamist threats, Warbler.

I say Islamist threats which is a bit vague but you get my drift I hope.

He see's the threat of ISIS etc as Europe's biggest challenge, and disagreed with Michael Fallon over his comments on Russia.

I think the secret here is the natural inclination of the Russian people and its governments. They are much more inclined towards nationalistic chauvanism than they are communism. The Bolsheviks only came to power when nationalism had completely over extended itself to the point where hundreds of thousands of ill-equipped and ill-prepared Russians were being slaughtered to defend a Tsarist system that none of them had any stake in. On the outbreak of Barbrossa Stalin invoked similar sentiments when he rebranded it the 'Great Patriotic War' realising that in a crisis of pragmatism this was more likely to galvanise a population to fight than Marxist dialectics

What I see is Russia looking for a theartre to play in, and project themselves onto the world stage as a player. Naturally enough they're increasingly drawing a line at this encroachment into what they regard as their territory, and ultimately if this turns into a game of who it means most to, Putin won't be backing down in hurry. We could easily find ourselves boxing ourselves into a corner.

Cameron and Obama are behaving as if their appreciation of Russia begins in 1917, and they aren't looking back further at the more dominant Tsarist influences. I can accept that Russia under Putin is very much a candidate to lurch towards a blend of Russofascism and that this needs weighing into any deliberations before deciding which way to go - no problem - that's a known, unknown!. I would suggest however that the likelihood of them going off in this direction is greater if we move to isolate them. In any event, I think I'd rather deal with a future threat of political fascism propogated by a known nationstate like Russia with whom we have a dialogue of sorts, than I would Islamofascism which has a much greater capacity to find its way onto our own streets. I wouldn't regard a return to the cold war as a result, but that is probably the worst case scenario we'd have if we move to isolate Russia and they retrench. I think there is an accommodation to be reached with Russia so long as we stop our clandestine expansion plans and allow them to feel they're involved. They could go either way, but at the moment we're pushing them into a more autocratic route that threatens to marginalise them

There is also another issue of trust. I don't trust them unless their incentives and motives are aligned with ours. Mind you, I think you can apply the same analysis to the USA over history. The US has only ever come to support Europe when they've been sucked into doing so out of perceived benefit or forced retaliation. They were happy to keep out of WWII (unlike Canada) and leave us to fight Germany until they were attacked themselves at Pearl Harbour. In fact they were arguably worse than that, as they chose instead to instigate 'lease lend' and even when we did find ourselves on the same side allied in combat, we still had to pay them for that right into the 1980's. In other areas they didn't support us when their national interests had primacy (Suez) and for weeks they came perilously close to knifing us over the Falklands (Reagan was happy to do so to keep a fascist bulwark in South America, but was persuaded by Weinberger and Haig that he couldn't)

It just so happens though that a theartre is opening up that might be of interest to Russia. With Turkey showing no appetite to engage the northern fringes of the IS caliphate might the Russians have a role to play? I suspect this is where Heseltine is thinking, and if in a few months time another one is being declared in Africa we will need assistance

Heseltine is a former cold war Defence Secretary of course and is probably looking at the capabilities equally. Like me he's conlcuding that Europe outside of a few aerial bombing runs has hollowed out and couldn't actually do much. Italy (for all their astounding GDP figures) can only make available 5,000 ground troops. What's that about?. They're supposed to be a G8 country and serious NATO partner. That's risible. If it wasn't so serious I'd almost want them to try invading Libya for a laugh. They'd be driven back into the sea within a week (doubtless protesting that they can't do this to them because of their GDP figures!).

It sounds as if Heseltine has written Europe off as a credible offensive force. I think he's right to do so. We also have a series of particularly unreliable countries involved whose troops are massively inexperienced in combat situations. I can certainly see that Russian objectives could be aligned with ours should someone have the savvy to realise it and start that process. In fairness to the Germans and French they are trying, but the UK and US are makingit very hard for them
very boring stuff. another "history lesson" skewed towards .... wait for it... cameron and usa baiting

Piece in the Times today claiming that ISIS is struggling on a number of fronts. As some predicted, the burning of the pilot could have been a tipping point internally. it is seriously against islamic law by all accounts. there is also a fair bit of passive resistance in the cites they hold. finally the price of cigarettes has fallen through the floor and as ever an economic indicator tells you so much

take it or leave it but could be a turning point
I'll leave it thanks

Especially as it's not against ISIS's interpretation of Islamic law at all (far from it). They practise a version which equates with the Bible's 'eye for an eye' so a pilot who drops incendiary bombs on them resulting in death, according to their interpretation of the Koran, he can legitmiately be burned alive, as they're required to consider a punishment equal to that which he has handed out himself (it has an Islamic name, but I don't recall it). Perhaps you'd be so good as to suggest this in the comments section, and that way you might look informed rather than a spoon fed oaf who obediently laps up uncritically whatever the Murdoch press tells you
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