James Gandolfini Dead

Nor me. What great canon of work does he have to his credit - like a Pacino or a De Niro?
The television show Sopranos ........ and that's about it?
I was more in mind of Godfather 2, Taxi Driver, Deer Hunter, Heat, and Raging Bull ....................... among many others.
The Sopranos ran for six seasons at like 12 episodes a season. So quality wise it was the equivalent of numerous films.
"Quality" is a subjective thing. Many might agree with you that The Sopranos quality-wise is right up there with the greatest achievements in cinematic history. Many more might not.
The issue for me is that James Gandolphini has very little to his name besides the television show that made him. I don't understand his elevation -- by some -- into the pantheon of "great" actors on the basis of his Tony Soprano portrayal.
No one is saying he's whatever a great actor might be but he was the absolute core of truly brilliant series

And you may as well say Laurel and Hardy werent up to much either.
I don't think he needs anything other than the Sopranos to cement his greatness, but "Bear" in Get Shorty and also True Romance were pretty cool.