Joe Cocker RIP

22nd December is not a good date for singers named Joe - we lost Joe Strummer on this date 12 years ago. RIP to both.
A rare example of a fine blue eyed soul singer Rip.

wolf. If you ever get to notting hill, there's a superb mural of joe strummer just off portobello.
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I've got a video of a tv programme about Joe Strummer which I still haven't watched. May see if I can dig it out and watch it tonight. In fact, I've just looked up and it's on the shelf above the computer next to my daughters dancing school videos, Levellers at Glastonbury and one about The Yardbirds. At the end of the Joe Strummer one it says Hennessy 2008. The good thing about all these old videos I have is that there's usually some racing on at the end of them. Strangely enough I was at a folk concert the other weekend and sat next to a guy who had known him. Joe Strummer, that is. Mind you, I bet he knew Joe Cocker [RIP] as well.