The most confusing thing concerning the usage of correct grammar is knowing what is and isn't acceptable anymore. I still cringe everytime I type "and" after a comma as I was taught originally that this was incorrect only to be told a few years later that it no longer applies! I know I am guilty of doing this quite often and it seems to sound right, yet I still cringe every time I do it. Any opinions from the august members of this forum?! The "my friend and me/I" is another one - I was taught that it should me "my friend and I" yet was told a few years later that it was now acceptable English to use "my friend and me". I know I am guilty of using incorrect English at times, sheer laziness I'm afraid, but the incorrect usage of apostrophes does annoy me, (nearly as much as the usage of "would of" instead of "would have" as highlighted by Jon, that infuriates me terribly, along with "I got off of" the bus - no, you didn't, you got got "OFF the poxy bus" :angy: :angy: ) as it just goes to show how much the English language has been dumbed down as people are too lazy to learn it or use it correctly.