Jonjo O'neill Horses Still Unwell

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Why waste space in the Spotlight section repeating information that's already there? Saying in the Spotlight that Henderson has a 50% strike rate is just more numbers next to names.
Gareth, the purpose is to provide information to a person reading the Betting Shop broadsheet, which currently is not there.
Colin, I am intrigued by your views on the period of time one must have "served" on a forum before they are allowed to express views and challenge those of others.

As for Headstrong, I built a mental picture based upon the information at my disposal. I feel some of her disparaging remarks about betting punters, and misplaced references to illnesses such as gambling addiction were not very constructive.

Irish Stamp was targeting me along with Clivex in a somewhat sarcastic manner, and from my previous experiences of Clivex I reached my conclusion.

I am sure people on here already have a mental picture of me whether accurate or otherwise.

This is a cyber world Colin. I could say whatever I liked on here, pretended to be whatever I wanted and you would never know the difference. Just because people have posted for years, doesn't mean they are what claim to be.
It's a waste of time - and not a pleasant way to spend it - to try to engage in constructive debate with people who descend into personal abuse as soon as their views are questioned.
Headstrong I thought I better re-read ALL of the thread before responding.

I have not directed "personal abuse" at you.

I have expressed a concern over your views towards betting shop punters, and made a mental picture of you based upon my experience of betting shops.

How have I personally abused you?

You have made some hard hitting conclusions about betting shop punters which some people would for sure find very insulting.

Please don't make accusations about things that I simply have not done.

As regards the exchange I had with clivex, this was regreattable and I have put that behind me.

If you really believe I have personally abused you please provide your examples.
"As for Headstrong, I built a mental picture based upon the information at my disposal."

Could be described as an assumption.

"Irish Stamp was targeting me along with Clivex in a somewhat sarcastic manner, and from my previous experiences of Clivex I reached my conclusion."

Possibly another assumption.

"I am sure people on here already have a mental picture of me whether accurate or otherwise. "

Definitely an assumption as far as this member is concerned................I wouldn't sleep tonight!!! :P

Finally, I am pleased that one of my posts has intrigued someone, that could be a first. :shy:

I feel I may have answered your "question" on one of the other threads we have had this discussion on.
Yes Colin, they are assumptions based upon the information available to me. That is, I am afraid, the way it is in cyberspace.

You seem to think this is a "real" world, hence your comparison to a pub or the workplace.

Whilst certain human traits always surface, this bears no comparison to the real world.

People can say what ever they like on here, spend hours sourcing information on the net to appear more well informed than others.

I come onto these chat rooms without any desire to want to be liked by the people on them, nor do I come on here to try to "get in with the in crowd". I have a life outside of my interest in racing/betting and have no desire to create a virtual life on here - this is a forum, I post my opinion and thats it.

Sorry if that disappoints you.