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Joy - savage joy

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May 7, 2023
Being a creature of habit, I'm partial to a Chinese takeaway for lunch on a Saturday which I enjoy as I sit down to watch the racing.

I buy it locally and the bloke in my local Chinese is perennially jovial and always fun to chat to while I wait for it to be cooked.

Not so this miserable - and I mean really miserable - old bloke who sadly comes in around the same time.

He's a Chelsea fan and the Chinese fella once tried to get a friendly three-way chat going by asking us both what we thought the score would be in the Chelsea game that day.

I didn't have a clue so I glanced at the correct score betting on Betfair Exchange on my phone and picked the market leader: "Two one to Newcastle (or whoever it was, can't even remember)," I said with totally faux authority on the subject.

"You don't know what you're talking about," this Grade A misery said to me.

I was like "whatever," my food came out, the chat had broken down and I went home and forgot all about it.

Anyway, turns out the score I gave was right, the Chinese fella reminded us both about it the following week, the old geezer was livid and was rude to me again - even though I had said literally nothing this time having simply answered a question the first time.

Since then, I've ignored the F out of this bloke, even though he tries to make eye contact every single week in the mistaken belief being rude to me is a free bet and I'll just wear it and carry on talking to him.

Anyway, his whole day was built around watching the Chelsea game tonight, he said to the Chinese guy at lunchtime and I just read Brighton knocked them out of the FA Cup.

Joy - savage joy. 😂
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Do not use racist language here.
When I was the CEO of my marketing company I had 7 offices in the UK. I spent most days getting up at 5am working till 11pm during the jump season then heading to the nearest racecourse. what a great life many would say but I was happiest when I got home once a fortnight on a Friday night. Especially during the winter months..the gf and I would order Chicken Curry and 6 videos and be happy as pigs in shit. I miss a good Chinkys the curry's here in Thailand are crap
When I was the CEO of my marketing company I had 7 offices in the UK. I spent most days getting up at 5am working till 11pm during the jump season then heading to the nearest racecourse. what a great life many would say but I was happiest when I got home once a fortnight on a Friday night. Especially during the winter months..the gf and I would order Chicken Curry and 6 videos and be happy as pigs in shit. I miss a good Chinkys the curry's here in Thailand are crap
Chinkys? FFS…
It wasn't until Len quote replied that I realised what was going on - I just reread my OP three times because I thought Keep Quiet was referring to me! 😂

This is a great website, but if I could have one wish here it would be when I put someone on ignore, they can no longer see my content either, so they cease and desist following me around like obsessive, lovesick, puppies and posting on my threads in the mistaken belief I'll forget about their past verbal abuse and carry on engaging with them.

It ain't gonna happen! 😂
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Doesn't everyone say we're getting a chinky ?

Jesus wept I didn't believe people we're that touchy in real life.
I never have and never would, Danny.

It sounds disrespectful to me if I'm honest.

I actually feel lucky that people will travel from all parts of the world (which takes courage) to make a new life in Britain and contribute towards the economy - especially if it involves cooking me a banging exotic lunch at a fair price.

Maybe that's terribly woke, politically-correct, and virtue signalling of me, but both online and in real life I actually go out of my way to be polite, courteous and respectful to everyone IF I consider them polite, courteous and respectful to me.
Doesn't everyone say we're getting a chinky ?

Jesus wept I didn't believe people we're that touchy in real life.
No, Danny, everyone does not say we’re getting a Chinky. Or do the everyone you know pull their eyes into slits and put on a Chinese accent when they say that?

Why doesn’t “everyone” say Chinese instead, like you might say “I’m ordering an Indian/ Thai/ Mexican”. Why throw in the racist description of the people who prepare that dish?
I've never considered it racist just an abrieviation tbh. You may well call something an Indian when it's cooked by someone it's actually people from Bangladesh or something so isn't that just as bad. I've never heard any Chinese person say they are offended by the word chink or chinky tbh so never thought it a problem.
My tuppenceworth...

"Chinky" is a racist term... nowadays.

It is unacceptable... nowadays.

Tanlic and I have had serious spats in the last couple of years and I still never know if he's going to turn on me, as he did when assessing my fancying KWR's chances yesterday, but, while I winced when I read the word "Chinky", it didn't make me immediately see Tanlic himself as racist.

I don't know what age Tanlic is; I imagine about my own age and probably older. He also lives abroad, in a different culture. I think such things have to be taken into account.

I'm one of the younger members of my Men's Shed and I wince when I hear some of the language used in that private company. Myself and one or two others try tactfully to put the 'offenders' right when they use such language. But I've socialised with these guys for over two years now and I honestly believe there is not a racist bone in their body.

In fact, I sometimes reckon the language comes across as a term of endearment. We have a regular visitor, a chap of Indian heritage, and the guys absolutely love him and occasionally refer to him in what people outwith the Shed might easily regard as racist language.

When I read Tanlic's comment, my first reaction, as I said, was to wince but I thought again and reckoned he was expressing a fondness for Chinese cuisine and reckoned it was more likely a term of endearment.

Condemn the sin, not the sinner.
If only the horses were as predictable as the pearl clutching old women on here :ROFLMAO:
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I hate to be proprietorial about the thread because I started it, but I feel someone I made a point of not inviting - because I put them on permanent ignore for calling me a "sick f**k" a while back, same as I put some other bloke on permanent ignore for calling me a "c**t" - has not only gatecrashed MY party (thread), but is currently the subject of discussion in MY thread's living room! 😂

If others want to give these horrible people endless second chances that's up to them, but it tends to make these awful characters think they're entitled to endless second chances off everyone and I'm here to tell them that, in my case, they're MISTAKEN, so mistaken!

I was about to serve the vol au vents too - another party (thread) RUINED! 😂
Don't be proprietorial about it, Ian. Let it roll and see where it goes. That's how forums go. There's been tons of threads on here that started on one subject then ended up handbags over Arkle.

Be honoured that the people you have on ignore still want to read what you have to say. That's respect!

Then start another thread/party.

1 The tongue was in the cheek - I'm well aware no one can control the responses they get to threads they initiate, nor should they desire to.

2 In order to be "honoured" I would first need to care what these people think of me and my content.

3 In similar vein. I don't crave their "respect" - i just want them to leave me the F alone! 😂

Those three minor (alright, gigantic) caveats aside, I completely agree with you - onwards and upwards! 😂
Doesn't everyone say we're getting a chinky ?

Jesus wept I didn't believe people we're that touchy in real life.
Only racists use terms like this. No one is weeping, it's out of line in this forum - and you should know this. They won't be tolerated here. Thank you.

Unlike some people I don't give two hoots about race.......the biggest racists as far as I am concerned is the ones who keep brining it up
That was from another "joke" you made and you were warned back then. And really? You are a white male living in the UK - yeah sure you don't give too hoots about race. What a load of BS. How about going to any Chinese restaurant in China town and tell them you want some "Chinkies" and see what happens. If it was my restaurant, you'd be shown the door in a New York minute.

When I was the CEO of my marketing company I had 7 offices in the UK. I spent most days getting up at 5am working till 11pm during the jump season then heading to the nearest racecourse. what a great life many would say but I was happiest when I got home once a fortnight on a Friday night. Especially during the winter months..the gf and I would order Chicken Curry and 6 videos and be happy as pigs in shit. I miss a good Chinkys the curry's here in Thailand are crap
Here comes another warning... 5 day suspension. Please do not do this again. Thank you.

We have rules in this forum, and I expect everyone to act like adults here. :thumbsup:
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