JP McManus - RPSunday

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gearoid
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I was really disappointed with the piece. How you can write an article supposedly about one person but turn half of it into a piece about yourself riding a horse is beyond me.
I agree with all the above points. It was a complete load of bollocks. There was so much bullshit in it I lost count but I would blame Brough Scott and no one else.
Not defending Brough Scott but that is what he does when he writes those types of articles, i.e. he visits the yard and rides a horse. Thus it's a combined description of meeting the trainer/owner but also of riding out. I quite enjoy these little vignettes and through these I went onto read biographies of some of those that he interviewed, amongst others.
I was really disappointed with the piece. How you can write an article supposedly about one person but turn half of it into a piece about yourself riding a horse is beyond me.

That wasn't even the worst part, bad as it was.

There was around 5/6 separate quotes from JP in 3 pages, and the rest waffle from Brough Scott.

Why is media in Britain saturated with ex-participants of the sport, when they do not have the necesssary journalistic qualities?
agree, really weak piece about McManus, and was looking forward to it. Brough Scott as ususal busy to put himself in the best light. rubbish.
Spot on with all the above comments.

10 minutes of my life wasted reading that load of dross yesterday.
The big finish to the article - 14 folded 50s - really annoyed me. Is he trying to convey that McManus is always a winner? It could not be further from the truth?
IIt was a complete load of bollocks. There was so much bullshit in it I lost count but I would blame Brough Scott and no one else.

:lol: ...say what you mean Gearoid... Very lame I'd agree... but these are the Sunday papers. They have to fill it up with something, although with Cheltenham next week, they might have come up with something a bit more interesting.

They have to keep trotting out dear old Brough and co of the old guard as the younger brigade (who they pay about tuppence) can barely read let alone write and are lost in giving anything more than a race report. :D
As Hamm said above there was around five quotes from McManus, the rest was rubbish. No one cares about the house he lives in or how he donates millions for the craic. A very dissapointing piece.
What was even worse was 3 of the 5 quotes were available to read on the front cover!
As Hamm said above there was around five quotes from McManus, the rest was rubbish. No one cares about the house he lives in or how he donates millions for the craic. A very disapointing piece.
I only bought the paper on Sunday to read this interview. Like others I thought it very disappointing. Everything of relevance could have fitted on half a page.
He made a comment about Edward Whitaker getting really excited when JP shared the details of the bet he had planned. Which would be very true to form!
The excellent Brough Scott was at it again yesterday with his piece about Luca Cumani.

'He (Presvis) needed his quiet, apprentice-ridden first three runs as much for mental and physical maintenance as for a lenient handicap mark.'

What a crock of shite.
Can only agree about article being VERY disappointing. Yet again given a subject that could and should be quite informative and entertaining they ruined their chance. Brough is always about Brough, just adores himself......
Scott's absurd puff article about Meydan was just as bad . For a once very fine journalist he has completely lost it.