Karl Burke

Gamla Stan

At the Start
Aug 19, 2005
Licence suspended for a year relating to the Miles Rodgers case.

Took them long enough. Wonder who's going to open a book on which family members or friend takes over the licence. Pointless.
I do feel a bit sorry for Burke here to be honest, yes he has broken the rules, but to me it seems he has been handed the harshest ban in regards to the three licensed people, yet he probably had the least involvement.
I do feel a bit sorry for Burke here to be honest, yes he has broken the rules, but to me it seems he has been handed the harshest ban in regards to the three licensed people, yet he probably had the least involvement.

I wouldn't say harsh, he can still be involved with racing and work on the yard, it's pretty much pointless. They should all have been completely warned off for longer than 12 months.

The punishment is simply not a deterrent to others at present. These penalties need to be made much much harsher, even Struthers concedes this.
I do feel a bit sorry for Burke here to be honest, yes he has broken the rules, but to me it seems he has been handed the harshest ban in regards to the three licensed people, yet he probably had the least involvement.

come on Flame - justice shouldn't be served out by predjudice

if people break rules..ALL should be treated same..again if it were Fallon we would have a 40 long thread saying how pleased folk were with justice being done
Why would you assume he'd had the least involvement, Flame, when he'd bought a separate mobile phone purely for calls to and from Rogers and his little laying hens?

He's already in non-compliance with the harsher 'sentence' that the BHA could've imposed, because he lives at the yard, so can't be warned off entering that, which is rather farcical. So he could, presumably, sit in a deck-chair at a distance, directing operations through his assistant. He's essentially warned off setting foot onto racecourses, but can't be warned off his own yard because he lives in it - as do most other trainers!
Presume his wife Elaine (daughter of Alan Jarvis) will take over licence and things will just continue as usual.

Just don't get this "Oh we can't take away their livelihood" thingy from the BHA. FFS what about all the 1,000s of £s they swindled punters out of? It needs to be a proper proper ban with no contact with anyone in the racing industry. He knew the risks and he should be able to face the consequences. If the BHA are serious about cleaning up the game, they've got to get properly tough so it serves as a warning to others. The trainer I "knew" who got a years suspension, laughed about it and is quite possibly continuing where he left off now his licence is returned.
Quite right, jinnyj - if you were in any other line of business, you'd probably be going to jail for fraud or running a scam, which is what I assume they did, in essence. It may be that the BHA feels it's got to have incontrovertible proof to present to the Crown Prosecution Service, but since it got Plod onto the case, anyway, I'd have thought that in order to hand out the ruling they did, that they'd got that - after all, you couldn't just arbitrarily ban someone because you merely suspected they were up to shenanigans, or didn't like the cut of their jib or the colour of their tie. There had to be sufficient evidence to enforce a ban, so why isn't that evidence enough to convict in a court? Cheating punters is no different to cheating pensioners out of their savings for phoney tarmac drives - it's all despicable, it's all wrong, and it all needs a few really sharp responses before racing is seen to be taking a serious grip on its undesirables.
But this has to be the best bit! Good for the Yanks I say!
From the RP:
Lynch hit with year-long ban at Philadelphia Park

By Graham Green6.56PM 20 JUL 2009
FERGAL LYNCH has been banned from riding for a year at Philadephia Park where he is the leading jockey this year.

The decision was taken by the track's management as a direct consequence of the disgraced jockey's admissions to the BHA of a series of major offences, namely stopping a horse, supplying inside information for six of his rides, betting and associating with the disqualified Miles Rodgers.
On Monday trainer Karl Burke became the final recipient of sanctions resulting from the BHA inquiry, who banned him for a year.
Lynch, 31, had hoped to escape punishment in the United States after agreeing to pay a £50,000 fine as part of a plea bargain with the BHA.
The ban will be a severe blow to Lynch who has been working for his brother Cathal at Philadelphia Park since last August, and this year has ridden 99 winners with his mounts earning $2,340,934 (£1,445,021).
Justin Fleming, a spokesman for Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, said: "I can confirm that Fergal Lych has been ejected from Philadelphia Park racetrack for a period of one year. The ban started on Friday, July 17. The decision was taken by the track in relation to Fergal Lynch's activities in Britain."
Just Philly? That means Lynch can ply his trade anywhere else they'll have him, I guess, although perhaps just in theory, since it hardly accrues glory to anyone to have him now. Now, I'd venture that a year out of what is a fairly finite career in terms of age, is rather harsher for Lynch than it is for Burke, who can resume and go on until he's on a Zimmer. As he hasn't escaped punishment, will Lynch get a refund of his £50K??
They near enough have reciprocal bans Jon - if he applied to ride anywhere else in PA he'd be banned, I doubt Florida would grant a license (based on previous precedents and the same with NY, California and KY).
Thanks, Martin - they're chatting on RUK about the seven jockeys guilty of race-fixing at Tampa Bay right now, so I guess that's it, then, a countrywide ban.
will Lynch get a refund of his £50K??

Kri, do you mean will the BHA refund the refund they received from Lynch?
What strikes me as odd is the amount of people involved or under disciplinary because of all this race fixing stuff who seem to be opting for legal counsel that specialise predominantly in murder cases. I'm sure a journalist pointed this out during the trial too if I recall.

Good for the Yanks on the Lynch matter, no questions, asked no messing just a straight "you must be kidding"
How many people here would turn down making a couple of grand on a non-trier? I am sure wife could get a new pair of designer shoes :)

PS - I do not condone non triers.
think he was joking SL

i've been thinking about this

maybe we should have two penalties for the same offence - if you come across as a good old lad - you get a slap on the wrist - if you come across as mean to your mum and unpleasant you should get maximum penalty

if this were brought in maybe we could let a few more out of prison after checking whether the criminal was a good old lad or not

They reckon Sutcliffe used to help old ladies over the road..maybe he should go free now because of that.

its all terribly British isn't it?
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