Karl Burke

I still maintain from this that those involved in the Betfair case have to have something on someone in the BHA and at high level.
They've only gone and approved Jarvis' licence application for Spigot Lodge - why? There is a stipulation that Jarvis must move his horses to Middleham and only use his Twyford yard as a satellite for stop overs, but that sounds like a token gesture to me to try and make it sound as though they're not just letting Burke carry on as usual. Of course next Burke will apply to be able to work in the yard and more than likely be employed as 'assistant' there. What on earth are the BHA thinking? Why bother handing out a ban in the first place if for all intents and purposes life will carry on more or less as before? It can't be an attempt to save the jobs - what about the people who will undoubtedly become jobless in Twyford now that it is only a satellite yard and they don't want to move to Middleham? I'm very disappointed in this decision - it makes an absolute mockery of the rules. The message the BHA are sending out seems to be 'don't break the rules, but if you are caught and banned/warned off, don't worry about it as we'll find a loophole to let you carry on business as usual'.
He should be made to move all the horses from Middleham to Newmarket or vice versa, a "random" raid on the yards in question should see to it that it's all done above board. If it's not then give them both life bans for deception.

I feel sorry for the staff who have been caught up in Karl Burke's games but there must be other yards willing to take them on up in Middleham? It's not like it's a trainer in Cornwall or Cumbria where there's relatively few yards.
Aproved Loupholes
1. Using your wifes name for the license
2. Riding in a different jurisdiction
3. Using your father in law's name on the license
4. Moving a few horses to a neighbours yard

Any more we can add?
Absolutely ridiculous, so Burke basically keeps to run his yard and Jarvis his in other words?

Spot on Shadz, it's an absolute joke and it's frankly embarrassing.
His punishment effectively amounts to having to find another betfair account holder to do his betting through.