Katchit Returns

Yes, I'd love to see the measuring stick that shows Katchit as being under 15hh - that he certainly is not!!!!

Nice thought that Elite Racing Club sponsor the totetentofollow.co.uk Elite Hurdle Race (Class 1) (A Limited Handicap) (Grade 2).

Good ol' Goober - good to have him back, having him is better than having a marker pen!!!!!

(PS - I'd guess that the first statement is untrue - hairy arse?!?! :D )
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On reflection I could see Chomba Womba being aimed at the Champion Hurdle-despite what her trainer said.She travelled well yesterday.Get on at 33s.
Doesn't matter if they actually sponsor or not - the *name* is advertising for the club and that was one reaosn for them runnign the horse as they wanted to run him somewhere that weekend

Measurement info from the HL at King's not 10 days ago -

forgive me if I think he knows better than a few on here on both counts!
Doesn't matter if they actually sponsor or not - the *name* is advertising for the club and that was one reaosn for them runnign the horse as they wanted to run him somewhere that weekend

With respect, that's a very silly comment
Come on Headstrong, this is ridiculous !! :D

Firstly, if you look up the word ELITE in the dictionary it does not say 'racing club with delusions of grandeur'

When the London Marathon starts and the commentator refers to the elite runners at the head of the pack, he is not talking about Penzance and Soviet Song. The word elite is not advertising for the club!

Katchit, not being owned by Elite, did not run in that race because it was called the Elite Hurdle and the suggestion that King would do so is laughable. If he wanted to run the horse last weekend then that race was the only race over hurdles in which Katchit could have run.

I expect the head lad at Kings has never measured the horse!
Yes, I'll third that!!!

I'd also suspect that, as stable lads are wont to do, the head lad was no doubt exaggerating - I'm sure the horse has been described as a pony also, even though we all know that isn't true either! I'd be willing to bet that if I turned up near the horse with a measuring stick there is no way at all that Katchit would come in at less than 15hh. With the greatest respect, I find myself judging the heights of horses - and, shock, horror!!!, even measuring them!!! - quite frequently.

I don't really have to comment on the ridiculous reporting of what the word 'elite' supposedly means since it has been covered quite adequately by Goober. What I will say though is that Elite Racing Club can't possibly have made up the word Elite since Elite Registrations must have done, they came first....
e⋅liteɪˈlit, eɪˈlit/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-leet, ey-leet] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1.(often used with a plural verb
) the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.2.(used with a plural verb
) persons of the highest class: Only the elite were horses can run for our racing club.3.a group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group: the power elite of a major political party. 4.a type, approximately 10-point in printing-type size, widely used in typewriters and having 12 characters to the inch. Compare pica 1 .–adjective 5.representing the most choice or select; best: an elite group of authors.
Sadly Goobler, Katchit never did work with Youmzain but as a 3yo he used to work with a couple of horses who subsequently went hurdling, Salute Him and Gracechurch.

I must admit we often came last in this work group, amazingly Gracechurch won the work then Salute Him then Katchit, so it was rules reversed.

That said as a 3yo he used to work with Spring Dream alot and under my unstylish drive he would often come out on top. Both now with Kingy, I would be intrigued to see the pair work together now.

Bit of facts for you this year, Channon had FOUR horses all worked well together.

Deer Daylami, Siberian Tiger, Green Wadi and Dream Desert.

Amazingly Green Wadi was 2nd in this work group and Deer Daylami was last. Deer Daylami was bought for 27,000 Gns by E. McNamara, look out for him on his hurdles debut, he'll be smart I tell you.

As for the winner of the work, it was Dream Desert who is the next coming of Youmzain and will become a household name over 1m 4f + next year where he will mop up group races, having bagged a big hcp first.
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Was at the yard the last weekend - we were told his pre-Xmas target is the big hurdle the first weekend in December - can't remember the name of it ...

Flame used to ride him at Channon's - isn't it the case he doesn't do a tap at home? - so needs to be got fit on course. My understanding is that this was a prep race for his target in early Dec, and after that no doubt he will have a little ease until he's primed for Cheltenham again

King is an Elite trainer and wanted to support the main race they sponsor. I think they are quite pleased with the run, he was never going to win giving that much weight away, being less than 15hh

As a 2yo, according to my book from working at Channon's Katchit was 15hh 2", as a 3yo he was 15hh 3". He may have not grown since but he was deffo a 15hh 3" horse when he left Channon's.

Weight was never an issue for Katchit, I weighed around 10st 7lb when I rode him as a 2yo, and I would be about 5ft 6, so the fact he can't carry weight is not an issue, I remember an assistant riding him as a 3yo sometimes and he would top 13st odd. Weight doesn't beat Katchit, a flat track and better handicapped horses does. He is better at Cheltenham, but no matter how much I love the little fella, he has about as much chance of winning this season's Champion Hurdle, as I do marrying Lindsey Lohan.
Is the Henley Royal Regatta an advert for a manufacurer of outdoor clothing? There must be hundreds, had it not been for their change to the brand name Snickers, the Flora London Marathon of course would have been for a choclate bar.
For the benefit of those of us (myself included) who cannot guess the height in hands of any horse at a glance, I did a little research on Monksfield, who is the smallest Champion Hurdler I've ever seen and quite probably the smallest ever. When sold at Goffs as a two year old, Robert Hall (who was acting as auctioneer) described him as "fifteen and a half hands". I'd say that was a slight exaggeration, and John Murphy, who was offered him and refused him on account of his size described him as "no more than 14.3 hands", although that was six months earlier when the colt was not even two, so it's fair to say he was at least fifteen hands at maturity. Monksfield was certainly a smaller horse than Katchit, so it seems unlikely that Katchit is even as small as fifteen hands, and fifteen two would be my guess, despite being measured higher at Channons. Either way, he's definitely one of the elite.........
Shock horror that Deer Daylami would work the worst of that bunch. Not only does he have the lowest Timeform rating of that bunch, but he'd also be by the stoutest sire of the lot.
Daylami's only get better with age, and Daylami took until he was 4/5 to fully mature, alot of these Daylami's are casted off the flat too early, give them time and they will come. I have a sneaky feeling he'll end up being a top hurdles sire. I love Daylami's they are such nice people and have the right attitude, anyone know E McNamara of Limerick, if they do tell him to pop D D into the triumph !!
I agree Flame, I said to someone a while back that Daylami is getting some magnificent looking horses and could well end up being a top NH sire if these sorts dont get wrecked on the flat first.