Key Of The Door?!

:shy: :shy: No, sorry guys, not my Birthday today. I just stuck any date in months ago and forgot to change it....... :shy:

My real Birthday is in April.
Kathy is like the Queen. She has 2 birthdays. She is also (like the Queen) filthy rich. Fact.
I don't know about FILTHY rich, but I can vouch that she is VERY generous!
She also always looks perfectly clean and well turned out nto prize level to me, not that I've seen her take her shoes off :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kathy@Sep 7 2007, 08:12 AM
:shy: :shy: No, sorry guys, not my Birthday today. I just stuck any date in months ago and forgot to change it....... :shy:

My real Birthday is in April.
Would that be in April every year though Kathy ? shrug:: :) :) :)